bathtime - sal x reader

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Also this was kind of rushed and I had a big headache while writing this so I am very sorry if this doesn't make sense! Yes I'm America I know how to english good I live in ye big ol Texas.

This will switch POV a lot cause why not (: love you guys ❤❤❤

Your pov.

Sal and I have always been close. We've always been together, slept in the same bed, even changed clothes in the same room. Well... Only once. We barely even looked at each other. But today Sal asked me something very odd.

I was in the kitchen cleaning up after I made spaghetti, when Sal came up behind me doing dishes. He wrapped his arms around my waist and began kissing me on the cheek. "Dinner was great." He said simply, watching my hands as they moved around in the dish water to grab another dish.

I started washing another plate, when he brought up a pretty ridiculous idea. "Hey... After you clean up what do you say about me running you a bath?" He asked.

I nearly dropped the dish I had in my hand.

"Run me a bath? Like give me a bath?" I asked, putting the last dish away and turning the water off.

"Yeah... Is there anything wrong with that? I would like to pamper my lover, is that so bad?" Sal said, letting go of my waist. He looked quite surprised actually.

"I mean sure. Go ahead I guess.." I knit my eyebrows together at why he wanted to do such a thing. I've been so self conscious about my body and I was scared to show off my naked body to him. I guess he saught out the nervous look in my eye and kissed me on the lips. "I don't care what you look like under your clothes. All I know is, you are absolutely beautiful, got that?" He put his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them. "Tonight will be your night,"

I nodded slowly. "Alright alright.. Go run that water before I change my mind." I said with a little half smile to tease him. He let out a giddy laugh, and dashed to the bathroom in our bedroom we shared.

That's what I loved about him. If I ever doubted something I wouldn't even have to say it. He would always make me feel so much better about whatever I doubted.

"And don't worry, I won't try anything! At least... Not for tonight..." I heard Sal murmur the last part teasingly as he ran the bathwater.

"Go get clothes and then come back in here." He told me

I went into our shared bedroom and grabbed a pair of plaid pajama bottoms with a spaghetti strap tank top. I walked into the bathroom and was sort of stunned of what I saw.

Candles were lit along side the bathtub. There was a bath bomb already popped into the hot bath which made me practically melt. I wanted to be in that bath now. I looked over at Sal.

Sal's pov

I watched their face looked shocked as they stepped into the dimly lit bathroom, making me smirk a bit. "What, are you surprised I could conjure something up like this?" I asked them, watching them closing the door behind them. They shook their head. "No... I'm just..."

I could tell by the look on their face that they were hesitant to get into the bath. Mainly the taking their clothes part. I let out a soft sigh. "Do you want me to take my clothes off?" I asked, and felt a little scared at the thought but would do it for them not to feel nervous.

Y/n looked at me shocked, shaking their head. "No no no!... O-or maybe we could... t-take a bath...t-together..?"

"I guess that'd be fair." I shrugged, then standing up from sitting on the toilet seat.

I begin to look at them, then sighing. I realize I have to take my mask off. "... are you okay with seeing me without... my prosthetic...?" I inquired quietly, not wanting to frighten them.

They looked at me, nodding. "Can I..?" They asked gently, looking up into my blue eyes while I gaze into their beautiful e/c ones.

"Yes." I respond, to which they reached behind my head.

Your pov

I reached behind his head, unbuckling the buckles on his prosthetic face, his blue hair brushing my soft hands. I began to take off the mask, and place it onto the sink counter. I look at his exposed grayish pale face. I give him a soft smile. I see scars on his face but I don't care. I see where he has multiple stitches done on his face, and I don't care. He is still beautiful to me. I look at him in wonder and awe.

Sal looks at me scared, and nervous. I can see it in his eyes and facial expressions. "Is... Is it that bad...?" He asks me, his face heating up a bit.

I shake my head. "No. Not at all. You look amazing. I can even see- you have freckles!" I squealed, loving every detail on his face. He gave me an awkward smile, relief evident on his face. "You look so handsome..." I sighed, looking at him, loving him even more.

Sal nodded, then began to take off the rest of his clothes. He was only in his boxers by the time he looked at me expectantly.

"Alright, your turn." The bluenette told me, hooking his fingers around the hem of his boxers.

I nodded, biting my lip slowly as I pulled the shirt off from my head. I tugged my sweatpants off, and all that was left was my undergarments. I felt a bit to embarassed to move.

"You want to take them off on the count of 3?" Sal asked, to which I nodded.

"Alright, 1...2...3..!" He counted, then we both pulled them off.

My face was already so hot, I have no clue how it got hotter. I turned around when I pulled my underwear off and saw his naked body.

Sal looked me up and down, smiling a bit. "Why we're you so nervous to show me yourself?" He asked, standing up. I shrugged my shoulders, finding myself a bit dazed by this entire situation.

Sal saw me looking so dazed and confused, he just took my hand, leading me into the still hot bathtub which felt amazing on my feet. He sat in the tub, then I did the same.

"Here, turn around with your back facing me so I can wash your hair." Sal suggested. I turned my body around, the water in the tub sloshing around slightly.

The blue haired boy grabbed a shampoo bottle and poured some into his hand. He put it back down and began to work the shampoo into my h/l hair.

I let out a soft sigh of relaxation, loving he feeling of his fingers massaging my scalp.

We sat there for about thirty minutes before Sal making the move to sit up from the tub. Overall it was the most relaxing thing I've experienced for a while, so I sighed when I had to get out. He gave me a towel to dry off, and we drained the tub.

We went to bed that night all cuddly for each other and happy. It was one of my favorite nights.

Like I said, it's bad and rushed but I have a headache and was rushed because I'm bout to head to school homies. (Highschool SUCKS DONG)

LOve you guys SMMM ❤❤

(edited part 1-3 on may 12th, 2021)

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