i love you - larry x reader

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please heed my warning, but if you wanna then continue forward. it is a sad chapter, but has a sorta happy ending. 

ALSO, BIG SPOILER WARNING FOR LARRY so don't read the first bold paragraph!

This takes place about a month before Larry is going to commit suicide. His life is at about his low, as you can guess... He self harms.

That's when y/n finds out. And puts an end to it.

You are at the age of 24
Larry is at the age of 26

-Your point of view-

I have been together with Larry for about five years. We love each other dearly, but recently he hasn't been the same as he used to.

For a couple of months now he has acted very distant from me. I decided to put an end to it.

My footsteps echoed throughout the halls as I was deep in thought. I was on my way to Larry's apartment to hang out with him. He asked me to come over, despite how late it was. As I rode the elevator down to the basement, I began to think about the little things he would feel sad or upset over.

I knit my eyebrows together, the ding of the elevator announcing I had arrived at my floor, snapping me from my deep thought. I walked out of the elevator, then going up to his door. I knocked on it gently, waiting for a response.

Then, the door opened and Larry greeted me. He looked a bit different. His long hair was ruffled and his eyes looked like they had worse bags under them. "Hey, babe." He said, a small smile curling onto his thin lips as he to pecked a quick kiss on my forehead.

I smiled up at him walking into the apartment. I inhaled, loving the way it smelled like him and only him. It comforted me.

After Lisa and Henry got together, they moved into Sal's old apartment. Sal moved into another room so that Lisa and Henry can have their space.

"So what do you want to do first?" I asked, looking around the unusually messy apartment. "I was thinking lay on the couch and watch a movie. Maybe you and I could make some snacks?" Larry suggested, taking my hand and leading me into the kitchen.

I followed him, then opening the fridge to see if we could make nachos or something. That's when I noticed there was barely anything in the damned thing except for some sauces and a bottle of sweet tea.

"Larry Johnson!" I said, turning to him and putting my hand on my hip. He looked back up at me from rummaging through cabinets. "What's wrong?" He asked, looking a bit startled.

"Baby, look. Let's just forget the snacks. You have literally nothing in your fridge. How do you eat?"
I scolded. The brunette looked down. "I don't really eat that much." He said looking back up at me.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Come here..." I said softer rather than scolding him.
I took his large hand in mine, and lead him to the couch.

We both sat down. I turned to him. "Larry... Is there something going on?" I asked gently, both of my hands then gripping onto his comfortingly. Larry looked at me confusedly, his black eyes searching mine. "What do you mean?" He asked, his voice sounding a bit scared.

"You are acting differently... Sadder... You barely listen to Sanity's Fall anymore, you have no food in your fridge, and you are wearing a long sleeve shirt in like 80-degree weather! When was the last time you even were outside?" I tried explaining. I then looked closer at him, he began fidgeting.

"I-I don't want to really talk about it.." He dismissed, looking away. He tried pulling his hands back, pulling his sleeves over his wrists again.

That's when it clicked for me. Long-sleeved shirts. The change in mood. Not eating. "Larry... Baby let me see your hand." I told him, putting my hand out for him.

He shifted uncomfortably. He slowly put his arm into mine, looking up at my face carefully.

⚠trigger warning again sorry⚠

I pulled his sleeve up to expose his forearm and let out a little gasp. There were tens of these large cuts on his wrists. Some of the healing, some scarred, and some fairly new.

"Lar... Why would you do this to yourself? You know that so many people care for you right? We are all here for you.." I looked up at his face, and he had tears streaming down his face.

"I know... I just can't deal with all of this anymore... I feel like I'm at fault for my dad not being here and causing my mom so much shit... I'm just a stupid stoner.." He sobbed.

I couldn't take it. I went to his bathroom, opening the mirror on the wall and finding a first aid kit.

I put both of his forearms in my lap. I wiped them down with alcohol then wrapping them up with gauze. "Don't you ever think you are at fault for your dad. I'm sure he will come back," I leaned down and kissed each of his forearms gently before covering them again with his sleeves."And if anything you are my stupid stoner. I will always be here for you, Larry. Your mom and I always will be until he gets back okay?"

"But for right now you are staying at my place until you can get out of this mindset..." I then hugged him tightly, which only made Larry cry it our harder. "I'm so sorry.." He murmured.

"Don't be, I love you so much... Never forget that.."

"I love you too y-y/n...thank you.."


Word count: 946

Ugh, sorry guys it's not that good! I'm trying to though because I love Larry and Sal

Love - meee ❤❤

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