xiv. "why is it always you four?"

Start from the beginning

She smiles.

"We should head back." says Ginny jumping down off the table and kneeling down to softly stroke Otis. "We have lessons in a few hours and can't be late again."

"You're right. It was night meeting you and I'm sorry about my sister, can't imagine it's nice." Phoebe mentions, sending her a small smile.

"You too."

Once the two girls leave Aurora takes out another tub of ice cream, deciding to drown her sorrows in food. It was a bad habit she had. "Ginny has good choice in friends."

The following morning she enters the Great Hall, which was practically empty as everyone was spending the weekend attending Hogsmeade. She strolled over and sat down beside Ron tiredly. She leaned over and rested her head on his arm.

"Ron don't move, if I'm correct I should fall asleep any second-"

Suddenly she heard a large slam and a gush of wind, when she opened her eyes Lucinda had sat down. She closed her eyes again. Don't say anything. Be nice. She thought about bringing Otis for another walk tonight that would be nice. Anything would be nicer than having to be here right now.

"So what are we doing today?" she heard Lucinda question, and Aurora kept her rested. She could almost picture how closely her and Harry were sitting and it made her stomach churn.

She kept her eyes closed. Ah, so he was spending today with her? That was fantastic. When they were together they never even got to go to Hogsmeade together because she didn't want anyone knowing about them. She regretted that deeply now. Is this how Harry felt when she went to Hogsmeade with all those other boys?

Cause, she'd admit, it wasn't the nicest feeling.

"Well we're going to a few places but I'm sure you two will be going someone else." Hermione practically cried out, and her tone was inviting. "But we'll be going to the three broomsticks at three if you want to join, Harry."

It was silent for a few moments and Aurora opened one eye to see that Lucinda had gone. Aurora noticed that when she wasn't clinging to Harry, that she would go to Lavender and Pavarti, who made their feelings perfectly clear. Or she would go to Dean and Seamus. Literally, it was like she was trying to become friends with everyone.

Hermione and Harry were both looking at one another, neither saying anything.

"So. . . . ." Ron cuts the silence and everyone turned to him, his eyes went to hers. "What about you? Are you joining us today?"

Her brows furrow. "What?"

"I presume you're going to Hogsmeade with someone?"

She didn't even think about getting a date. She was asked several times. "Oh, nope."

She noticed that Harry's eyes flickered up to hers for a second and when she turned to meet them, he turned away. Maybe he didn't actually look at her, perhaps she just imagined it. Ron and Hermione both seemed happy to not have to be alone for the rest of the day.

How things had changed.

★ ★ ★

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