"Not exactly" he said, squeezing my hand. "Whenever we talk, we fight, we yell." His hands grabbed my waist, pulling me into him. "Heard about your match, well done" he smirked. "This is the start of your title shot."

I nodded, "I know, I just" I looked down at the ground.

"I will make you win" he said as he held my face with his hands. "But you need to focus on tonight's match" he kissed me before letting go.

Raw was over and we made our way to the gorilla. I wasn't sure what to do knowing his wife is in the audience.

"This will be fun" Nattie smirked she hugged me. "Friends after?" She asked.

I nodded, "friends."

Adeel laughed at our interaction, him not saying a word to Owens. We waited before Nattie and Owens walked out, leaving Adeel and I.

"Don't think about it" he said as he squeezed my hand. "It's just us" he kissed me before he was told it was time.

I closed my eyes as Adeel walked out. It was just another match, I told myself. The tech told my it was my turn and I opened my eyes before walking out. Adeel was waiting for me half way, smirking as I met him.

"Let's kick ass" he smirked before walking down to the ring. I slowly made my way to the ring, trying to see if I could see his family.

Adeel started, leaving me happily on the apron. I was nervous for Adeel as Owens is bigger than him. It was hard to not scream for him when he got a hit, I had to act like we were just colleagues. They chased each other with punches before Adeel feel to the ground.

"Ad-Mustafa!" I yelled as Owens repeatedly kicked him in the stomach. He managed to knock Owens over before tagging me in.

"You've got this" he said as he climbed through the ropes.

I climbed in, waiting for Owens to tag Nattie. She held her hand out, but he shook his head.

What was he doing?

I looked at Nattie confused as he stood, walking towards me. Nattie leant her arm out, but he moved before she could tag. I kicked him in the midsection, making him stumble back so Nattie could tag him.

We circled each other, trying to figure out who was going to punch first. We smiled at each other, not taking it seriously. She went to punch me but I dodged it, I could feel Adeel smirking. She did at again but I grabbed her arm and threw her over my shoulder. She pulled on my legs, pulling me into a roll up. I kicked out on 2.

We both laughed as we laid on the mat, Owens screaming at us. "Does he ever shut up?" I asked as I got to my feet.

"No" she said, shaking her head. Adeel looked confused but leant against the turnbuckle. She took me by surprise, kicking me in the midsection making me fall to the ground. I groaned and held my broken ribs. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe, not noticing what Nattie was doing. I opened my eyes and gasped as she pulled me into the sharp shooter.

I looked at Adeel who was pointing to the rope. I reached for it, but she pulled me away. I slightly screamed as I crawled my way to the ropes. The pain of the hold and the pain of my ribs making me cry. I grabbed the rope, sighing in relief. As soon as she let go I tagged Adeel's hand, rolling under the rope.

I rolled out of the ring, holding my ribs as I fell. I sat up, noticing people taking photos of me holding my ribs, again. I made my way to the stairs, climbing them as I saw Adeel hold Owens in some submission hold.

Thank god.

As the bell rung, I climbed into the ring, groaning. Nattie glared at Owens before walking back up the ramp without him. Adeel held my hand up, smirking as he looked at me.

"Those counters" he said, noticing my ribs. He helped me climb out of the ring before he walked over to the barricade, waiting for his daughter.

I walked around, taking photos. "Are you okay?" Someone asked me after I smiled.

I nodded, "all good." People were catching on about my ribs. I slowly walked around, noticing Adeel waiting for me. I stopped slightly seeing him hold his daughter as he waved me over.

I walked over slowly. "And this is Calista, she's daddy's partner" Adeel said, pointing to me.

I smiled and waved to her.

"Are you going to tell her your name?" Adeel prompter her as she stared at me.

"I'm Amara" She said quietly.

"Hi Amara" I smiled as Adeel pointed to a camera and she waved.

"Smile" Adeel said to his daughter, standing next to me. I looked at him confused before I saw a photographer in front of us.

Adeel said something to his daughter as I started taking more photos. I knew his wife was there, but I couldn't look at her.

We walked up the ramp, Adeel smirking at me as we walked backstage. "She likes you" he said as we walked towards the locker rooms.

"Does she?" I asked.

He nodded, "I'll pick you up from the hotel tomorrow" he said, kissing me.

Nattie was waiting for me when I got to the locker room. "So you met his daughter?"

I nodded and pulled out clothes. "Yeah I didn't know" I said quietly.

"Riding to the house shows with him?" She asked as I got changed.

I nodded, "we're flying to London together."

"Well when's the wedding?" She joked.

I stopped. "You do think of marrying him, right?" She asked, looking at me.

"I mean I guess" I mumbled. I hadn't actually thought of it. "He told me he loved me" I said, as I did up my bag.

"He did?"

I nodded. "I've got something to tell you" I said as she packed her bag.

As we drove to the hotel I told her about the miscarriage. It felt good to tell someone, I wasn't sure if this was what Adeel meant.

The Affair // Mustafa AliWhere stories live. Discover now