Chapter 1

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"And now, the weather" My eyes opened to see that my TV was on. It was strange because I lived alone. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the fireplace in the corner of my living room. The flames were low, but still there and it was providing so much heat. I must have fallen asleep in the arm chair. Outside, snow was falling to the ground and the windows were all fogged up from the warmth inside the house hitting the cold.

"Amelie? Are you awake?", said a very familiar voice. "Hey Calum. Yeah, I'm awake" I said still half asleep.

A very dark haired boy walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa opposite me. "I just thought I would bring you some soup and when I got here you were asleep so I put it in the kitchen", he said. "Thank you. I will eat it later", I told him.

One month ago, I went to visit my family over in New Zealand. They all live there, except me. I left as soon as I could. I have been living alone in Sydney for about a year now and life is so much better here.

When I was in New Zealand we went skiing every day. I started skiing when I was 3, so I would say im pretty decent. But four days before my flight home, I fell.

I broke my left leg and my right ankle. A bone split in my right thumb and I hit my head really hard. Obviously, I was in pretty bad shape.

The doctors at the hospital were amazing and made it possible for me to fly home only four days later. I wish I hadn't. It was the worst flight of my life. I was booked in economy class, so I had no room for my legs and was in so much pain.

The flight was 6 hours long. About 3 hours into the flight, the flight attendant noticed the mess I was in and helped me. Luckily, there was a seat free in business class, so I got to put my legs up.

When i got back to Sydney, I got my best friend Calum to pick me up at the airport. He new I lived alone, so he promised to help me out and try to make things easier for me until I was better.

Everyday, he comes to my place and we hang out watching movies and eating because there isn't much I can do.

"As soon as you have healed, we are going jet skiing", said Calum randomly. "I have never been jet skiing before! That would be so cool", I replied and Calum laughed before answering: "Neither have I! But my cousin has one so we could use his"

We planed out our whole jet ski day and then put on a movie. I chose 'Divergent' because Calum had never seen it. "Im not sure. It looks girly", he kept saying. "It's not! And there is hardly any romance so you should like it!", I said, before throwing the DVD at him to put in the player.

Halfway through the movie, I paused it. "Hey! What are you doing?!", asked Calum, freaking out. "I want some of that soup you bought over" Calum got up and was walking towards the kitchen door. "I knew you would like it!", i shouted after him and giggled.

The soup was so good. It was chicken, which is my absolute favorite soup in the whole world. When the movie had finished, I turned the TV off and looked over to Calum. He was fast asleep. I somehow managed to get up. I hobbled over to him.

He looked so peaceful. Seeing as we didn't have school tomorrow, I thought there wouldn't be a problem with him staying the night. I took his phone out of his pocket and texted his mum.

"Hey mum! I'm going to stay at Amelie's tonight because we are watching a movie. Night x" I pressed send and almost instantly, his mum replied. "Ok have fun! See you tomorrow x"

I felt bad for just texting his mum from his phone, but I knew that he would have wanted her to know. I put his phone on the coffee table and turned back to Calum. I pulled off his beenie. It was still wet from the snow that fell on it whilst he walked over.

I grabbed a thick blanket and lay it over him. Next, I took a pillow and placed it under his head. I wrote him a note thanking him for everything and placed it on his phone so he would read it in the morning.

I got up and managed to walk upstairs. Finally, I reached my room. After changing into my PJ's, I jumped into bed and turned my light off. It didn't take long before my eyes fell shut.

At around 2 AM, I woke up. I had a pain in my leg and it was driving me insane. I couldn't sleep and I was bored of just lying there. I got up and hobbled over to my window. The sofa I have underneath my window was cold so I grabbed a blanket.

Outside, it was still snowing. The footprints that were made today are no longer visible. They have been covered by a thick bed of fresh snow just waiting to become footprints its self. I smiled at the thought of little kids waking up in the morning and seeing it had snowed.

When I was little, seeing snow was as exciting as christmas. I used to get up and run to my parents room begging them to go and build a snowman with me. Usually my dad gave in and we would build our family as snowmen.

A streetlight lit up the street by my house. I looked and noticed that two people were stood there smoking. Two boys. They were both very attractive.

I didn't notice I was staring until one of the boys pointed up to me and laughed. The other boy turned around and waved. I couldn't tell if they were making fun of me or being polite, so I just waved back.

They began walking towards my house. One of them motioned for me to open the window, so I did.

"Hey! Whats up?", the tall blonde one asked. "Um nothing much. Im just sitting here looking out of my window. What are you doing anyway?", I asked. The shorter blonde one with curly hair giggled. "We just came out for a cigaret", he said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I was confused until i realized. "Are you the new neighbors?" "I am. He's just helping me sort my stuff out", said the tall blonde one. "I will come and introduce myself better tomorrow, but right now its freezing", he continued. I nodded and said good night to them.

I liked him. He seemed nice and he was cute as well. Eventually, I fell asleep.

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