Chapter 1: Antau

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As I came back from school, I got the usual greeting from my sister, Rachel.

"Hey there, dorkus!"

"Nice to see you too!" I replied.

I ignored her other insults and went into the kitchen to grab a snack. After having a few cookies, I sat down on the couch to read a book. I took my favorite short story, The SandWitch, from the shelf and started reading. I finished the story and got up. When I did, I saw a picture of grandpa on the mantle. He, sadly, disappeared eight years ago. We looked for him for several years after his disappearance but didn't find anything. No leads, no clues, nothing. I was only five when he disappeared so I don't remember him that well. I've grown used to his absence. I was suddenly overcome by the urge to find more pictures. I asked my sister but, as usual, she just said:

"Don't know, don't care."

I looked in the attic, my room, and the garage. It was in the garage that I found one next to a pile of stuff like baby pictures of myself and my sister, drawings, and old presents. Next to the picture, I saw something shiny, and when I looked closer I realized it was the medallion with a weird symbol that grandpa used to wear. I picked it up and put it on. When I went upstairs, Rachel commented on the necklace.

"What's that?" she asked.

"Don't you remember? It's grandpa's old medallion!" I told her.

I started to take it off but when I touched it again it started glowing.

"Jack? What's happening?" my sister asked, genuinely concerned.

I was starting to feel dizzy and, before I could respond, I collapsed and everything went black.

I woke up in a strange city, I looked around and saw a sign that said: "Welcome to Antau!" And I thought Antau? Never heard of it

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I woke up in a strange city, I looked around and saw a sign that said: "Welcome to Antau!" And I thought Antau? Never heard of it. The sign was floating using some strange mechanism.

After walking a bit, I saw a strange futuristic turning thing that I didn't know the use of

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After walking a bit, I saw a strange futuristic turning thing that I didn't know the use of. It had a small, triangular base topped by a large, vortex-like spiral. The spiral itself was full of blues and purples. It was a bit mesmerizing.

Urgon (The Seven Worlds: Book 1) [Unfinished First Draft]Where stories live. Discover now