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"Wow Kev, that sounds like such a great idea." Fangs replied to his boyfriend of five months now, sarcasm laced through the ins and outs of his voice. "I mean, a road trip almost 3,000 miles long? Sounds fantastic. How are you even planning on getting to California?" Fangs had one strap of his black Jansport backpack tossed over his leather jacket, as the two walked out of the back entrance of Riverdale High to Fangs' motorcycle.

"Leave that up to me to figure out." Kevin smirked back at the serpent boy as the two came to a stop on the cracked sidewalk. Patiently waiting for Cheryl Blossom to pass by in her red 1969 Chevrolet Impala, with her brother, Jason, in the passenger seat.

"You don't even have a car to get there?!" His boyfriend questioned in disbelief, finally able to cross the parking lot to the Serpent's motorcycle.

Kevin laced his fingers through Fangs', wanting to keep him close like children did with their parents when crossing the street. "Come on, Fangs. This is our last summer before college, can we just enjoy it while we can?" The boys finally came to the senior's bike. "Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you." There was hesitance in his voice before greeting Kevin with his answer, but Fangs trusts Kevin with his life; so he only had to answer truthfully.

"Wow, really?! I was expecting you to say no." Fangs swung one leg over his motorcycle, reaching in his backpack to retrieve his matching black helmet. "So does that mean you're coming with?"

"Seems like it, Keller." Fangs smirked before starting the engine, Kevin by his side jumping up and down like a giddy school girl. "Get on, dork."

"Fangs Fogarty, you don't know what you just signed yourself up for." Kevin grinned, getting on the bike behind Fangs, accepting the helmet his boyfriend gave him before wrapping his arms tightly around his waist. The two zooming off together into the sunset like the cliché that their relationship was.


"You'll never believe what I asked Fangs." Kevin's voice sprang through the speaker of Cheryl's phone that was sitting on her dresser, as she removed her makeup seeing as she had nowhere else to go for the day.

"You didn't ask him to marry you, did you?" She tossed her makeup wipe aside to the trash bin in the corner of her room, only to miss. Sports were never really her thing, aside from cheerleading. She left the ball-included-sports to her twin brother, Jason.

"Yes, Cheryl. That's exactly what I did. Me being the mature eighteen year old that I am asked Fangs to marry me." She could practically hear her best friend roll his eyes over the phone. "Okay, but no. That's not what really happened." Wow, as if she hadn't figured that out yet. "We're going on a road trip next week, when summer starts!" He shouted through the phone.

"Kevin, keep it down!" The phone wasn't even by her ear and his screaming almost made her go deaf. "That's great though, where are you two going?" She was happy for her best friend, but couldn't help to feel a bit of jealousy seeing as she had nothing spectacular going on this summer, and she also didn't have a girlfriend to spend it with.

"California. I know it's kinda far, but might as well go all out while we can, you know?" Cheryl got up from her vanity and jumped on her bed, allowing for it to squeak underneath her weight. "So what do you have going on during break, Bombshell? You got a mysterious lover I don't know about yet?"

"Wow, if only I did." She sighed knowing how much it got on Kevin's nerves when they were on the phone. He always complained saying the muffling hurt his ears.

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