Chap.2-The Conditions

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Lauren P.O.V
I woke up at 6:30 a.m, by the sound of cows in the distance.I look at my phone and I remember I have to call the girl from the interview.I considered it all night and I decided to give her the job,a)I need help in the farm, and b) cause I need friends.When I got up from my bed,I decided to take a shower so it would wake me up before I called the girl...what was her name again???Camila.Suddenly when I remember her name a picture of her popped right in my mind.Dark brown wavy hair,slightly tanned skin,brown colored eyes ...I don't know why but I never felt attracted to people who had brown eyes, not in the bad way thought,but Camila's eyes were ... they were something else.I quickly snapped out of my thoughts with the sound of a my dog Brad,barking at me to feed him his breakfast.As I made my way downstairs I decided to make fried eggs,bacon and toast.Once I was done eating my breakfast , I went upstairs and got a warm shower.After that I changed into a white t-shirt and some dark blue overalls and I put on my working boots.Once I was done I went downstairs,went outside and got on my tractor and I went to the stable.

A couple of hours later
I was done working for the day,it was 5:34 p.m, so I decided to call Camila and tell her about the interview.As I made my way through my contacts ,I saw her name marked as "Camila" that's when I noticed I was smiling at the thought of talking to her for some weird reason.It ringed a couple of times before an raspy answer the phone.

Hey...this is Camila's Lauren,from the job interview.
Oh right...did I got the job?
Actually you did get the job but I was wondering if you could come by again to ask you some more questions to see what you need help the most.
Umm...sure...which day are you free to meet?
How about...Wednesday at 10:00 a.m?
Sure that sounds great
Ok then see you Wednesday
Ok bye

After the phone call I decided to take a cold shower.After that I made some stakes with vegetables and watch some Netflix.When I was done eating I washed the plates and turned off the tv,after that I went to my room and immediately fell asleep on my bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and when I got out,I saw through the window,something black standing near the stable, I close my eyes and open them again and the strange figure was gone.After that I went back to sleep a little worried.

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