Author's Note

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That's right lovelies, guess who finally found time to write! I'm so excited to be finally posting the first few chapters of my third Transformers Prime book, and I hope you're just as excited to read it! Truthfully, I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to commit to writing once school rolls back around, but I'm going to try!

First of all, I'd like to thank all of you amazing people reading these books. As of right now (12/25/2018), Scars Don't Heal - Transformers Prime (1) has over 60k reads! As in, 60,000! That number has literally dumbstruck me so many times since I logged back onto Wattpad. Thanks a ton you all!!!

Second, I'd like to thank you for reading this, because it means you're still here and have put up with my awful commitment issues. I really appreciate the constant support and that's really the reason these books have come so far. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be writing this much. 

Finally, I'd like to thank those of you who have voted, commented, and recommended these books. You've gone above and beyond in showing your support when you do this, and its through the comments & votes that I see how much people really like these books. So thank youuuu.

As you can probably tell, I'm feeling thankful. Now that my biggest thanks are out of the way, let's get down to business.

Season three of Transformers Prime is when things get serious. I mean, scrap happens. Higher stakes, bigger risks, and everything in between. It should be fun!

But I've also been thinking. If this book turns out to be as supported as the last two, I'm for sure going to be continuing on with the story line, even beyong the show. I already have ideas for that. In the meantime though, I wanted to ask what you thought about a few ideas I had. I like having one shots and quick stories to write on the side, because they don't require me to be watching the tv show and write at the same time, making things soooo much easier. So, which would you guys prefer?

Option 1: I write one shots for that book of one shots I've already published [not continuous publishings, new parts posted as they are written, no actual storyline]

Options 2: I start a new story where all Cybertronians become human (this would be in the TFP time, but would not fit the plotline of the show) [not continuous publishings, new parts posted as they are written, a bit of a storyline but mostly one shots]

Option 3: Just focus on this book [takes a bit longer, new parts posted after a buffer chapter or two are written, TFP show plotline]

What do you think? Comment on your thoughts and let me know!

Well, that's all from me, lovelies. Thanks for sticking by me for so long, and I hope you all enjoy the ride.

The Final Hope - Transformers Prime (3)Where stories live. Discover now