Defensive, Distrusted, Demanding, Disaster

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His mouth tasted blood

with a body full of scars.

He let his guard down

and wouldn’t do it twice.

The smallest things hurt him

because of unhealed wounds.

It made him insecure

from little offense people give.

Being defensive towards things;

it’s his nature to do so.

He couldn’t help it

everyone he knew hurt him.

Everyone he ever met

disappointed him.

Her mind wasn’t satisfied

with the replies being sent.

She didn’t understand

anything that was going on.

The curiosity chimed in

wanting to know what’s wrong.

Wanting to feel right

she felt blamed for everything.

But she felt distrusted

from the lack of explanations.

She lashed back out

demanding a change.

But she would never understand

what she has done to him.

I guess we’re just two trains

speeding towards each other

with opposite directions

close to disaster.

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