Chapter 1: Part 1

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. . . System Malfunction: None

Black Box Signal: Available

Virus Detected: None

Preparing for activation. . .

. . .

"Proposal: Activation of 9S and 2B is required for this Mission"


. . .

I can't remember. . .

. . .

I can't recall what exactly happened. . .

All that I can recall was, how 9S screams my name while I fall into the embrace of death and... that's it.

All that I can recall was, how I gotten myself stabbed by A2 because of the virus and... that's it.

All that I can recall was, how I gotten myself infected with logic viruses and... that's it.

All that I can recall was, how YorHa's ended in such dismay and... that's it.

All that I can recall was, the commander's ordered us to escape the bunker and... that's it.

All that I can recall was when all of our units ordered to take back the earth from machines life form and... that's it.

All that I can recall was, we succeeded in destroying both Adam and Eve as the source of Problematic and... that's it.

All that I can recall was how I and 9S trapped inside our corrupted comrades and . . . . that's it.

All that I can recall was...

. . .

"I-I... recalled everything..."


"Proposal to Pod042: We must activate 2B and 9S as soon as possible."

"Pod153 to Pod042: Affirmative. We must activate them before the other Pods notice their black box signal."

"Pod042 to Pod153: I... also notice that A2 black box signal is still on too. I guarantee that she is somewhere in this city, traveling alone."

"Pod153 to Pod042: Do you wish to help her?"

"Pod042 to Pod153: Yes, but we have something more important to do in here. Proposal: We must activate 2B and 9S as soon as possible."

"Pod153 to Pod042: ...Affirmative."


...There's something that keeps infuriating me. My body feels numb, but my machine conscious are still working, and I don't know what to do. The last minute against A2 has gone terribly wrong, I got myself stabbed with 2B's sword. Whilst I'm about to strike A2 down, she counter-attacked me. I was surprised and couldn't do anything about it as the both of us got stabbed.

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