Daria found solace in Jonathan's admittance of his wrongdoings. 

"I want to get my hands around the Joker's neck," Jonathan growled, "why is The Joker so obsessed with Daria?"

"He finally has an opportunity to brainwash a new woman and he enjoys it," Edward said nonchalantly. "The Joker likes control and he like women – in the more sexist sense than us both," It sounded like Edward was stirring a cup of tea – or randomly hitting metal against porcelain. "Remember when I told you the rumour that Poison Ivy and Harley were together, Well the Joker doesn't like that so Harley is being pulled around wherever he goes so she has to suppress her feelings for Ivy."
Daria, too, wanted to kick the Joker's face in now. 

Jonathan could see the sexism behind the Joker's words. Seeing Daria as an object that can be broken and controlled. He also felt sorry for Ivy, who was trying to get Harley out of an abusive relationship.
It made him feel sick. He knew he'd been wrong to Daria too. 

"I've found answers to Daria's trauma. I want to help her and show her the answers but I should have asked her if that's what she wants,".

"Okay," Edward's response continued to be flat. He took a sip of whatever brew he was holding in his hand. The grimace and sound of disgust he made ['Euheeuhh'] caused Daria to burst into giggles which and she had to cover her mouth with her hand.

"But I'm sure that's frightening her too; to have the opportunity to re-write her history and her mind," Jonathan stood up, "I love her Edward, but I scare her more,"


Now that was not what Daria – or Jonathan – expected to hear Nygma say.

"I have never heard you say the word 'love' other than when scornfully mocking it," He explained. "Does she love you?"

"She said she did, but then I -" betrayed her trust.

"It's statistically very common for couples to endure arguments,"

"Are these the statistics which include couples using drugs on their partner to help them with childhood trauma?"

"I didn't read the article, just the title, but I bet you that is going on somewhere. Just not with you fear toxin. it's usually the hippies and their LSD trying to find themselves."

Jonathan laughed weakly.

"Can I stay here for tonight?" Daria's eyes widened at Jonathan's request. "It reminds me to much of her in there, it was becoming our home," Jonathan laughed again, "fear isn't the only thing that makes people weak."

Edward sighed loudly, unable to take anymore. "I'm sorry, I reprise my role of being the mediator; you two can work it out between yourselves," he expressed before riddling: "This is where items can be stored so your bedroom is not a mess. It's also where things get hung up like jackets, shirts and a dress." He kept it childishly simple for his friend who was emotionally exhausted.

Daria had been outted. The answer was closet. The closet that she was standing in, with an ear through the door. She opened the door further and walked out, revealing herself.

They both stared at each other in silence.

Edward edged out of the room and into his bedroom less subtly than he had hoped. The two were left alone.

"Well," Daria began, "We're fucking messes, aren't we?"

A moment of silence.
They both laughed.

"We are," Jonathan agreed.

"Would you like to pay the Joker a visit with me?" Daria asked.
"I just need to stop by the house to get my materials," aka the metal briefcase.

"Eddy! We'll see you tomorrow," Jonathan called. They both were walking swiftly to the door.

The bedroom door opened. "Well that was an experience," The green clad man couldn't hide the quizzical look on his face no matter how hard he tried. "You two go have fun now," he joked as If he were a mother dealing with fighting children.

The house was now much emptier.
"I think I'll go get a real hostage," He looked to the lonely chair in the closet, "first-class? Ha! she'll see," He walked over to the table which had a Yellow Pages propped open. "How about an English teacher? I want to use complex riddles today."

With his self-proclaimed excellent senses, Edward heard his door being slowly opened again. He armed himself with a kitchen knife and hid it behind his back.

"Afternoon Nygma, Bad time?" Ivy strutted in. Her hair was loose and wild and she wore her body-tight green bodysuit made from her own plants.

"Although it is lovely to see you Dr. Isly, I must scold your very obvious attire."

"Relax Sweetie, I came in a coat, it's just hanging up," She pointed to the coat-stand which had Ivy's red long coat and 'The Riddler's' green bowler hat. "Anyway, I'm stopping by to ask if you have found yourself any of that special drink that I told you about,"

"Interesting you may ask, I was just having some when Jonathan came over,"

"Oh, he was here on a work day? Shame I missed him. I was going to go visit him and Daria right now,"

"Yeah... I wouldn't do that," Ivy raised a perfect eyebrow. The Riddler invited her to sit at the kitchen table while he made her a copy of his own drink, "Ivy, I have much to tell you."

Professor Fear (the sequel) - Jonathan CraneWhere stories live. Discover now