I bit my lip, aware of the sexual tension radiating from his body. "I'm a little scared," I admitted, daring to look into his eyes for reassurance.

"Don't be. We're on this journey together remember. I won't do anything unless we agree first; we agree boundaries and we discuss what does and doesn't turn us on. You start Lexy."

His eyes never left mine. "What turns you on?"

The question was uncompromising ... straight to the point. This was Jared taking charge, and very slowly I was relaxing into his dominance. Just the two of us behind a locked door, consenting adults assessing each other's limitations and desires.

I leaned forward, placing my lips to his ear. "I like it when you take charge Jared. I've never been asked what I want before. Does that sound crazy?"

I was aware of him shifting, again dragging those nails, this time down the length of my spine. My skin tingled and a groan escaped as my body shivered at his touch.

"Communication is so important Lexy." His voice was gentle now and he helped lower me on to the bed. "Before we go any further, I need to know we're both comfortable with each other. I have certain desires and ...." he stopped to slowly remove his shirt, "I need know we can share this experience together."

This was crazy. The man was a total enigma wrapped up in a world of sexual fantasy. And at the moment I wasn't putting up too much of a fight. I spoke at last. "You haven't told me much Jared about what you want. I'm not asking you to spell it out in black and white .... but give me some ideas and then I'll say yes or no." That was bold of me. Since when had I had the courage to say 'no' to Mr Leto.

I watched a smile tip the corners of his lips, before he raised himself, kneeling over my body. The mattress dipped under our weight. "Give me your hands baby girl." His voice was barley a whisper. I felt my wrists dragged upwards, pinned behind my head. "How does that feel? Are you comfortable being restrained Lexy?"

It was as if the earth was giving way and I was falling into a void. "Yes. That's good," I said, breathing out slowly, trying to control an ache that was running down my body.

"That's a start baby. Every step of the way we need to communicate. I want you to have a safe word. Anytime you say that word, I promise you I'll stop and we'll talk about the experience."

His grip tightened on my wrists. I could sense his strength overwhelming me. Sex might be consensual and open to discussion, but I was all too aware he was a powerful man outside of this bedroom and I had absolutely no influence over that. But I realised there was one bit of power I did have; my safe word.

I met his gaze and said: "Jared, my safe word ... it's Shannon. If I say your brother's name, you stop. Agreed?" My eyes locked on to his, letting him know there was no compromise.

He didn't flinch, didn't blink; maybe I saw a moment of confusion in his eyes, but it was fleeting. "If that's your safe word, I'm happy.

"Now, take a deep breath Lexy." He loosened his grip on my wrists, gently rubbing them to bring back the circulation. "Close your eyes and relax".

I felt him move away from the bed, cool air replacing the warmth of his body. I listened, trying to work out what he was doing. My confidence was gradually returning. I opened my eyes and watched as he stepped out of his jogging bottoms, every ounce of him raw muscle and sinew.

He spun around as if he knew I was watching. I looked away, angry that he'd seen my eyes drinking in the sight of his naked form.

"Lexy, Lexy, Lexy ..." My name was whispered as he walked back to the bed, climbing on top of me. "Those eyes were supposed to be closed baby girl."

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