Chapter 10

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We stayed like that, our bodies curled together, breathing deeply as we calmed, coming down from such an intense experience. The darkness outside seemed to have divorced me from reality. My head rested on his chest. The only sound was the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

I was beyond words. I was part angry with myself for submitting to Jared. But a deeper part of me had delighted in the surrender; that knowledge that someone else was in charge, allowing me to experience such an intense moment. He'd given me untold depths of pleasure and taken nothing for himself but my willpower and control.

"Lexy." I noticed a change in his voice, softer and less demanding. I raised my head slightly, our bodies unable to move in the close confines of his truck. "Let's start from this point and not look back," he said. "I understand you're a professional, and I understand this all seems wrong, but please ....," his voice trailed off.

I allowed him time to gather his thoughts. ".... please let's try and make this work. I'll help you out with this party for my brother. I know my demands are high, it's just the way I am. But let's just work together instead of sending those shitty texts all the time." His fingers flicked my ass, making me flinch and laugh at the same time.

"Stop that!" I groaned, grabbing his hand and forcing it down by his side. "You can help ... but only if you behave and give me space to pull this whole thing together. If Carrie finds out what's happening, she really will fire my ass into next week and beyond."

"She won't find out. It's our secret Lexy. I want you all to myself. We have something very special here. Think of it as journey of self discovery. When we're together, you belong to me." He held my gaze for a beat too long, forcing me to look away. The only person I share my most personal thoughts with are my brother ... and Shannon keeps all my secrets."

My heartbeat slowed, a fog masking any previous clarity of thought.

Two brothers, so different and yet so hopelessly attractive in completely different ways.

"Can't we keep this just between ourselves for the moment Jared?" I asked, feeling a burning sensation creeping into my cheeks. "I don't want anything getting back to Carrie. Honestly it's the worst thing that could happen. Let's just work together on making this the best possible party for Shannon," I said.

"And if that's going to happen," I shifted my body, our hips bones grinding together, "you are going to have to take me home – my home – so I can get some sleep."

A yawn escaped my lips. It had been a too long day and my body and mind were exhausted and needed sleep; desperately needed sleep.

Jared somehow managed to move me to one side and clamber back into the driver's seat, while I searched for various items of clothing, lost in the pitch black. "You drive, I'll dress," I said, leaning over and planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

The drive home was in a different silence, easier and more relaxed. The wooded darkness gave way to the bright city lights of downtown LA. I gazed out the window, taking stock of what had happened in such a short period.

Meeting Shannon out of the blue and having his brother Jared as my client. My mind blurred and I must have fallen asleep briefly. I heard Jared's voice whisper in my ear. "C'mon babe, wake up, you're home. His lips kissed mine as my eyes opened, sleepy and disoriented.

The porch light was still on. I turned to thank him. But instead, with my body now sore and the memories still too vivid, I leaned over, tracing my tongue over his lips as a little note of thanks.

"Call me in the morning," I said. "Oh god,no, make that early afternoon," I added looking at the time on the illuminated screen of my phone.

Jared watched until I unlocked the door, then drove off, probably lost in his own thoughts.

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