Chapter 7

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Juvia is leaning against the fence that is around the school roof perimeter

"Juvia was a game, Juvia should of known from the beginning that she was a game. Gray~sama would of never love Juvia"

Juvia started having a flashbacks


"so good" Juvia was enjoying her blueberry milkshake until she heard Gray laughing a little

"what?" Juvia asked as she tilted her head a little

"You got something in your cheek" He said and Juvia whip her left cheek

"did Juvia get it?" Juvia asked and Gray just laugh again and reach over and clean it for her. A light shade of pink appear across juvia's cheek

"th-thank you Gary~sama" Juvia said. Gray smile and nodded which made Juvia's heart skip a beat

"Say juvia why do you add ~sama to the end of my name?" Gray asked

"Because Gray~sama is attractive and superior to juvia" Juvia answer

"we are equals juvia and yeah I know I'm attractive but no need to add ~sama" Gray said

"Juvia must" Juvia said and Gray nodded because be knows there no point agruing with her

~End of Flashback~

Juvia keeped crying

~Another flashback~

"You like that?" Gray asked juvia as they stood in front of thrift store

"no juvia just thinks it's pretty" Juvi a answered. Gray looked at Juvia and back at the SnowGlobe that had a Snowman in the middle with 2 children holding hands looking at it

"Juvia wait for me" Gray said

"where is gray~sama going-" Gray left before juvia could finish

Gray came back with a bag and they went on with there date. When Gray drop juvia off he gave her the bag

"Don't open it until you get inside" Gray said

"ok Gray~sama" Juvia said and she headed inside and Get a drove off

After juvia settle in and was more in comfortable clothes she open the bag to see the SnowGlobe and there was a note

Hope you like it~ Gray

"thank you Gray~sama thank you" Juvia said

~~End of flashback~~

The more flashback she got the more her hear ach.

"Juvia was stupid to believe him"

~~Another flashback~~

"An Arcade?" Juvia asked as she saw all the different games

"don't tell me you never been to one" Gray asked and Juvia shook her head no

Gray looked at her in disbelieve

"ok c'mon" He drag juvia inside and started playing games and teaching juvia how to play

"ok grab the gun and you got to shoot the zombies" Gray said and Juvia nodded

"3....2....1...GO!" Juvia and Gray started shooting juvia would miss but a lot while Gray hit his targets perfectly

"aw damn we lost" Gray said

"Sorry Gray~sama" Juvia said

"don't worry it's your first time let try again- Damn I'm out if coins hold up wait here" Gray said and Juvia nodded

Juvia waited for Gray until 2 gays came close to Juvia

"so what's is this pretty lady doing here?" Ask one guy

"well um juv-"

"she's with me so you better leave her alone" They guys turn around the see Gray standing there

"yeah right" Answer the other one

"she is she actually my girlfriend" Gray said as he walk pass them and hug juvia from behind. Juvia blushed like crazy

"she mine, right blue?" Gray asked and Juvia nodded

"tch let's go" They left

"finally they gone sorry for leaving you alone, round 2?" Gray asked as he insert the coins

"yes" Juvia calm down herself and this time she wasn't that bad

"Great job Juvia!" Gray praised her which made her blush

~~End of Flashback~~

"Lucy was right" Juvia said to herself

"I should of trust her..." Juvia sits down leaning against the fence

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