Chapter 12

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---3rd person---

It took Miyuki a full other week before she finished replying to those letters.

Yup that might not seem like that long to some but Miyuki spent every moment of every day after Syo's song just reading and writing replies to the letters.

She needed them. She needed them to take her mind off Syo, she just needed something to distract her, something to keep her mind off Syo.

They did just that.

In fact, as soon as Miyuki would start reading one letter, she became so engrossed in it, she could think of nothing else but replying to that letter. Nothing else seemed to matter to her.

Eiichi on the other hand began to get slightly sick of this as he got a little annoyed with Miyuki. She was spending all her time on those letters never sparing a moment for him even when he tried so hard to get through to her.

But he wasn't stupid. He knew that the real reason why she wasn't talking to him was because she's confused about her feelings. Ever since she heard Syo’s song.

Yup, he could see it in her eyes every time she would look at him, they just wouldn't be giving him her full attention, they were lost, puzzled. Not sure on what they were doing, where they should be looking.

So Eiichi tried to make her see, he would try so hard to get through to her, to make her see him but things seemed to be getting useless and it was just making him angry as well as annoyed.

Here he was, one of the most popular idols right now, he could be with any girl he wanted. Any girl would die to just even meet him, but here he was, trying so hard to get just one girls attention.

But her mind was on someone else.


He hadn't heard anything since he put out his song. I mean sure he had heaps and heaps of fans comments and what not, but he had heard nothing from Miyuki.

Not that he thought he would in the first place but he thought she would have done an interview with someone or something considering every one and I mean everyone wanted to know her reaction to Syo's song.

Yes Syo was not allowed to love but because the Head Master thought this was a strategy for fans, he agreed to let Syo release the song.

He didn't have to tell anyone who it was about, they already knew. They could tell just by the simple lyrics that had been sung by him.

Yet Miyuki, she had gone silent. She hadn't spoken to anyone outside of her company. Even though all the popular shows or radio stations wanted to talk to her, she refused, saying she had letters to reply to instead.

Well that is what the media had told Syo anyway. Yet on another note...

Fans had begun to pick sides. Half believed Miyuki should be with Eiichi while the other half believed she should be with Syo. With of course the small exception of those fans who didn't want her with either of the two.

No it was not at all what Syo had planned, in fact all he wanted was let Miyuki know he was sorry, that he didn't mean everything he had done and that he knows he’s lost someone so dear to him, so precious, so perfect.

Yes, the two bands almost seemed like perfect rivals in a way, members fighting for the same girl as well as the same award.

Either way, Miyuki finished with her letters and she had sent them all off back to where they belonged and now she was free again.

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