Chapter 7

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~~2 months later~~


---3rd person---

She sat in the crowd of all the people watching the models on the run way.

It was something she had begun to get interested in in the past 2 months, she was now into fashion and models. Her entire wardrobe had changed; in fact, everything about her seemed to change.

She sat next to him, her new found boyfriend who she had developed strong feelings for.

"Oh, so that's Jinjugi Ren huh?" he commented next to her as Ren made his way down the runway.

"Yeah, he's making the girls go crazy," she commented with a chuckle. "As if they'd ever have a chance."

He only laughed at her comment. 

"I could make them go crazier."

"Oh? And are you sure about that?" she asked with a wink as she turned to him, a seductive smile playing on her lips.

"100%." He smirked back but before anything more could happen, they were cut off by the lights and everything going off as the stadium went black.

"What the hell?" he hissed slightly under his breath as he looked around, looking for some source of light. 

"Lights out? Hm. Wonder what's gonna happen now." She said with that same smirk still plastered to her face, not that anyone could see it.

"Well this sucks." he said with a tsk. 

She didn't reply as her eyes adjusted to the dark and she could see slightly.

"Oh come on!"

"What's happening?"

"I'm scared!"

The voices filed throughout the arena but they only made her let up a frown. 

Girls really are pathetic aren't they? She thought with a sigh. But... I'm sure Jinjugi will come up with something. He's just that kind of guy who never lets down the ladies.

"Listen up, ladies!" she heard Jinjugi voice through the arena. Ah here we go. She thought What are you going to do? "It's all right! Don't you think there are feelings that are conveyed better in the dark?"

She let out a slight chuckle. He always was good with his words.

"I feel like we can almost hear the sound of each other's breath and hearts." Oh yup, she thought. He's got this one in the bag. 

Yes it was true, Ren was good with his words, he knew what to say and when to say it and now of all times, he really did have it.

He soon began to sing and the girls fell for him, and just listen for a moment before they began cheering.

She still sat there, an amused yet unseen look on her face. She remembered him, she remembered all of them.

They were all still the same.

But she, no she had changed.  She's a lot different to the girl they knew only a few months ago. 

Fact is, none of them had heard from her since, it’s as if she disappeared into thin air.


~~The Next Day~~


Syo and the rest of Starish sat in a music room, looking over Nanami's song and doing their best to work out the right lyrics. 

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