Chapter 11

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---3rd person---

One week is what Miyuki said, she would open an address which could be sent letters for one week. She thought at the time that it wasn't going to be too much; she knew that people had hard lives but... Never did she think there would be this many.

She sat in her room, piles and piles of letters, in fact this wasn't even all of them, there were more in other rooms, and some still getting mailed.

Yes to say she was overwhelmed would be an understatement

She was lost, stuck in these letters, but not so much because of the amount of letters.

But because of the words they contained.

She had done exactly as she said she would, she was reading every single letter written to her, and writing a reply straight afterwards.

Some of the letters were simple fan letters and weren't from the people she wanted them from which she knew was going to happen and it was cute the things they said about loving her music and what not. So she replied to them as well.

But, when she reached the emotional letters, she cried so much more than she expected.

She couldn't believe what she was reading. These things, these emotions, these are things that no one should ever have to experience. Especially not teens.

She may be a teen herself yes, but still, she knew just how painful it was for her but these things, they were so much worse

They were horrible, heart wrenching… The detail etched into every single one of them, every word counted only making Miyuki cry that much more.

Eiichi was worried about her to say the least. He would come into her room to visit her but he only found her in tears. He would rush over to her but he could do nothing.

He tried to stop her from reading these letters, he knew it wasn't healthy for her to be crying all the time, not eating but just being depressed from what was happening to these people.

But Miyuki would only refuse to listen to him. She had said she was going to read them all and reply and that is exactly what she intended to do.


Syo had been depressed ever since Miyuki's concert. He had felt like absolute shit the entire time.

He finally realised how much he loved Miyuki and how he didn't actually have feelings for Nanami. He realised she was just there, he really cared about Miyuki and only Miyuki.

He began to remember every little thing about her, the way she smiled, the way she use to look at him with those deep, sea green eyes of hers and how they always held this spark.

He remembered her voice. He would go on the internet and search her up, listening to all her old songs, remembering the songs he sung with her...

But he also remembered that time, that time when Ren lost his lyrics to his song piece and he, Miyuki and everyone were working hard to find them, then Ren played his song over the speaker. And whilst that song played, he remembered when he and Miyuki danced together for the first time. 

It may not have been an intermit moment, but it was a moment that he loved so, so, so much. It was a moment when their love first begun.

Yes, he missed her more than anything. He wanted her back so bad but how was he going to get her back?

In the past week, after her show the Uta☆Pri Award nominees were announced, it was Starish and Heavens. Yes there had been a slight uproar as to why Miyuki wasn't up for the award but their excuse was here disappearance.

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