INTERLUDE: Fall from Grace

Start from the beginning

"And on my birthday too?" Giving her a look over, he noticed her slightly more fancy outfit. She wore a light blue dress, polka-dot tights, a matching bow in her hair and a large grey trench coat that was too big for her. She was stunning and he was smitten.

"Awe isn't that cute." He finally looked up to see a girl how looked a lot like the girl he was holding on to. Same nameless hair colour but shorter and wilder, the girl was the same age as Jenny.

Then he noticed the huge crowd strong them, and huge me meant six other people watching and one of this was his sister.

"You've got you've self a little boyfriend Del," turning to face the fourteen-year-old, "if you're going to date my cousin I'll have to know little more about you other than that you're a hero."

"Riley, Riley Biers from Santa Fe."

"Well Riley Biers from Santa Fe, you've got my approval. Del, why don't you show him around."

"Sure thing Vanie."

"Sorry about that, I'm Delphi and that was my cousin," looking back he saw Jenny start up a conversation with her, but then again Jenny was very sociable. "Well looks like your sister's getting along with her."

"Looks like it."

"You're not much of talker huh?" To which she got a shrug in return, "well neither am I, so that sucks. Luckily for you my cousin Evan is a chatterbox."

"Hey!" A boy, around his height with spiky light brown hair and wearing an obscure t-shirt with a punk reference.

Finally looking away from the pair noticed that the other people were watching them were apparently her friends. Maybe he was actually gonna like it here.

THE DULL GREY OF THE SKY MELTED INTO THE DARK WATER, which in turn melted into the short distance of sand which was the beach.

They sat around a ring of driftwood logs as cold winded pelted itself off the waves and into their faces. A fire crackled in the middle, with a blue-green flame burning.

It hadn't even been four days and Riley already felt like forks had always been his home.

Instantly after meeting Delphi, he was incorporated into her friend group and was dubbed the shy creative one, which he had no issue with. He tried so hard to fit in with the crowd back in Santa Fe and now he was liked for being no one but himself.

Seconds after being introduced to Evan, the older boy declared them best friends and that was that. Delphi became off-limits. But he didn't mind, because the friendships he made that day would last a lifetime, he would tell.

He was there sat with Del, Evan, Ash, Will and Ryan, and just off a few feet were their siblings keeping an eye on them.

After an hour of just sitting enjoying the cold of a fading winter mixed with the heat of the flame, occupants of the beach multiplied and teens of all ages from the reservation showed up.

A ball went flying passed their head and within moments, Ash, Will and Ryan had joined the game.

Del and Riley continued their conversation, but as the game continued he noticed how Evan had moved further from them and closer to the game, his eyes lingering on certain players.

"Ev, you really into soccer huh?" The strawberry-blonde haired girl said to her cousin, with humour coating her voice. Strawberry blonde, he had learned was the colour of her hair.

Prophetic  ▹ Riley Biers (Daughters of Lilith I)Where stories live. Discover now