Negan..the meeting

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It had been a few weeks since the others from your group came back from the first meeting of the man called Began you knew instantly upon seeing their faces something went horribly wrong each and every one of them looked completely broken down you looked around noticing for the first time that Daryl wasn't among them anymore you knew that he had been but where was he .
Now there you are standing among everyone else waiting for the arrival of this new threat, this monster called Negan and it wasn't long till your wait was over as he came strolling through the gates as if he already owned the place . you already had hate deep in your heart for the man for the pain he had caused everyone that you had became so close to over the last few months when you looked up you were not prepared to see Daryl walk through the gates behind Negan. Pure simple rage ran through you as you looked at the shell of the man you had became so close to not thinking of your actions you marched right up to the monster looking him in the eye " what have you done to him " Negan looked down at you with a smirk " holy shit.. What do we have here? ". You glanced over at the broken red neck as he looked deeply into your eyes you could see the fear he was trying so desperately to tell you to back off without saying one word aloud. You suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder turning you see Rick behind you. You turn back towards Negan " let him go please, we aren't fighting you we're holding our end of the bargain so let him go" his lips curved into a cocky grin " oh I don't think so sweetheart, he belongs to me now" then suddenly before you could stop yourself your open palm cracked right across his right cheek. He just looked at you as if he was in deep thought then raising his arm he yelled " load her up seems we now own two" .....

Hope this was OK...still not sure if I like it myself :).....

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