-Lifting the curtain on reality; it's the best way forward. [Chapter 50]

Start from the beginning

He reached forward placing his hands over my busily moving ones, halting me to an abrupt stop. I looked up at him and then back down at our hands and he slowly let them go but then brought them into the middle of the table slipping his fingers in between mine. I of course obliged and then gave him a small smile encouraging him to carry on with his train of thought and speech. I had learnt to be more understanding too, which I actually found made things a lot easier for myself as well as other people.

“Okay so first, this is just something I’ve been curious about for a while, well, ever since it happened. You know…You know the first time I went to go and see Ellie? You know that day?”

I nodded slowly and he smiled and then shook his head and then latched his gaze back onto mine.

“Well, how the hell did you hear what I said?”

I smiled and then rolled my eyes playfully. I knew he’d push me for this eventually. I sunk back into my seat and felt my heart began to beat a bit faster as I remembered his words; they had to be some of the sweetest things anyone’s ever said about me.

“Okay, so first of all I’m really sorry for eavesdropping and all. I know that it wasn’t meant for my ears but still, I just had to. Okay? There’s a…There’s a camera in that room that’s linked up to my laptop, so I don’t miss anything. And I know you never meant for me to hear that but I’m kind of glad I didn’t miss that…Sorry?”

I offered my apologies smiling sheepishly. It took him a few seconds to take this in and then he smiled shaking his head at me, I just smiled knowing he wasn’t mad. Just curious, but that was always Niall though, nosy. But I suppose I had been too, those words weren’t meant for my ears, or maybe anyone’s ears, but I still sat there and listened. But I couldn’t help it, it was about me, I had to, and besides if he had said something that wasn’t so undeniably sweet then I would have never known.

“You sneaky little thing. Do you know how embarrassing this is?”

He whined and as I looked back up at him I could see a light blush emitting on his cheeks. In my opinion; it only made him cuter. Which really, just completely piled on top of the urge to kiss him senseless right now as I was reminded of all those things he had said. And the thing was, that he hadn’t even known I was listening or that I’d ever find out, or that anyone was listening for that matter, he said those things all by himself. And not to even get on the good side of me or even the good side of my sister; it was because he actually meant them. And that was the most beautiful thing for me.

“Awh, I’m sorry. Don’t be embarrassed I found it undeniably cute.”

I smiled and then leant forward pressing my lips against his in a sweet and chaste kiss. By now the sleepy lorry drivers had filed out grumbling something under their breath about teenagers as they passed us. It didn’t exactly bother me. Despite his embarrassment he kissed me back harder and I reached up running my fingers through his hair as his hands roamed my thighs.

“It wasn’t funny.”

He said against my lips his sentence muffled as he did so. I just smiled as I ran my fingers along his jawline and beamed at him.

“So what else did you have to ask me?”

I urged, keen to get this over with. His smile faded and he licked his lower lip but then he pressed a kiss to my forehead before sinking back into his seat – slightly surprised by his sudden retraction – I hesitantly did the same and stared at him expectantly. I folded my arms on the table as I just stared at him and his uncomfortableness waiting for him to say something.

“Wait a second,” He told me. “Let me find something.”

His tone was completely impassive as he brought out his phone and I nodded stiffly and watched him tap away for a minute or so before frowning as he scanned something and then passed it to me. My heartbeat quickened with the block print that was displayed on the screen, the 3G symbol was whirring over the text as a thin overlay but I could see what hung below clear as day, the symbol disappeared, the thing that only spelled for trouble clearly displayed though. Niall just watched me as I took it in ever growing in worry and hurt as I did so. A Dawson steals kisses with ex Horan and then fleas to NYC with ‘mystery man’.

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