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if any of this confuses you, sorry. it'll explain more of what's happening in later chapters. 


"Go Calum!" Michael cheered, standing up off the school bleachers to clap his hands in the air. Ashton and Luke copied Michael's actions, also cheering on their friend. 

Calum was rushing down the soccer field as fast as he could with the ball between his feet. His hair was being blown back by the wind and it was such a cool breeze that for once throughout this whole game, he didn't feel like he was being suffocated in his own sweat. 

There were only a couple seconds left until the game finished and he was so close to the net. If he got this goal then his team would win, instead of tying. He had to get this goal. They tied every time they were against this team. 

He tried to up his speed when he heard the footsteps gaining behind him. His heart was racing faster than a race horse and he was sweating bullets. He could taste the victory and it tasted amazing. 

Once he got a safe distance from the net, he positioned the ball and quickly kicked it in the direction of the net, trying to kick it to a place the goalie wouldn't be able to reach it. The force of the kick brought him down onto his knees and he watched in horror as the goalie ran to where the ball was headed. 

The goalie caught the ball and the whistle that signalled the end of the game rang. 

Calum's heart sunk into his stomach. They tied, again. What sucked was that on the high school soccer team, it was a friendly match, so they'd just leave it as a tie.

He wished he were in the professional leagues where they had shoot-outs to determine a winner. He didn't mind if he won or if he lost, he just hated ties. 

Michael frowned as he watched his best friend just kneel, staring at the net in utter despair. Calum was quite a competitive person, Michael knew that. He had been since he was little. He'd always cry if he lost while playing tag, but six year old Michael wouldn't mind. He'd just laugh.

"Should we go down and make sure he's ok?" Ashton suggested from behind Michael, which Michael just nodded to before climbing down the bleachers. Ashton and Luke followed him.

The field had already been cleared of players (except Calum) so nobody noticed as Michael, Ashton and Luke strolled out to where Calum was kneeling.

Calum's knees were caked in dirt because he was knelt in a little mud puddle. There was also dirt smeared on his face and hands, just from an intense game. 

Michael approached Calum, kneeling in front of him to block his view of the empty soccer net. Calum eyes almost immediately locked onto Michael's. 

Michael offered him a soft smile. "You ok, Cal?" He asked. 

Calum shrugged his shoulders and averted his attention down to the mud on the ground between them. 

With a sigh, Michael returned to his previous standing position and held his hands out to Calum. "C'mon, lets go get frozen yogurt," He told him. "And don't even try to turn me down because I know frozen yogurt is your favorite." 

A sheepish grin grew across Calum's face. He looked up at Michael, inspecting his hands before taking hold of them.

Michael pulled Calum up without warning and Calum's mouth opened to let out a squeak, yet nothing came out. Though, from Calum's blown up eyes, Michael could tell it startled him and he laughed. 

The four walked over to the locker room together. Luckily, it was already empty because the other athletes had gone home, so Calum could have a quick shower without worrying about someone walking in on him. 

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