Chapter Fourteen

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You and Tsu began your walk to the mall, admiring the beautiful day. The sun warmed your body and the cool ocean breeze made sure you weren't overheated. It was a day marking summertime, which reminded you that school would be out until the fall. That meant you had to scramble for as much hero knowledge and training before you went on break. There was also an opportunity to train and study over the summer as well.

"Y/N? Are you okay? You've been lost in thought for a while." asked Tsu.

You jumped. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just trying to figure out how I'm going to become a good student in the short amount of time I have."

Tsu nodded, but didn't say anything after that.

Finally, you arrived at the mall. You weren't used to seeing a mall this big, since you came from a tiny village-y town in America. Subconsciously, you snatched Tsu's hand, squeezing it tightly. At first, Tsu was startled. But when she realized that you were unaware of what you were doing, she relaxed--and her tense muscles froze up farther. She blushed, and returned the squeeze as some kind of reassurance. You looked at he, surprised, but you smiled.

"Can I keep holding your hand?"


Then the two of you ventured into the mall, checking out the stores and attractions as you went along. You noticed a child crying (along with its panicked mother, which you guessed was a first-time one,) and suppressed your laugh. You used your quirk to manipulate the water in the large fountain, approaching the child and crouching down to its level. The child momentarily stopped its wailing to look at you, curious.

"Hey, what's your favorite animal?" You smiled softly at the child, speaking in a soothing voice.

"Cat," sputtered the child.

You focused on the fountain's spray, accumulating the stray water droplets into the shape of a giant, magnificent feline. The child's eyes widened with wonder and it laughed as you made it twirl around the child like a real animal. Its mother thanked you profusely, and you rejoined Tsu to continue your mall trip.

It was incredibly hot inside the mall, so you and Tsu decided to go to the beach, it wouldn't be too populated. Luckily, they sold swimsuits and towels inside of the snack facility. Tsu chose a green bodysuit, while you picked a white two-piece (thank the stars that you weren't on your period.) You immediately went towards the water, but paused and sat on the border between the dry sand and the wet sand so the waves could splash your feet. You knew from past experience that it wasn't wise to run headfirst into the water.

Tsu hopped over to you and sat, facing you. She was sitting in the water, waves crashing against her back. You stared at her, confused, until you remembered technically, she was a frog, so she could take it easier than you could.

"Sooooooo," you said, unable to think of any worthy conversational topics, "do you come to this beach often?"

"No, actually," she replied. "I've never been here. I come from a place far away from Musutafu. I also have to take care of my two younger siblings when my mom and dad are on business trips."

You stood up in surprise. "Then I get to show you my favorite dune here. It has everything—seashells, warm sand, quiet, and a small, self-preserving pool." You took Tsu's hand and urged her to follow you to a secluded place, where no one seemed to be. You directed her to the right, where a curtain of leaves covered something up. Tsu crawled underneath, and laid her eyes upon a beautiful haven.

Currently, Tsu stood on flat stone ground, but now she was walking on sand. It was like a cave, but sun shone in from a hole in the roof. As you said, a pool of sun-warmed water lay in the middle of the cavern, untainted and crystal clear. You entered after Tsu did, smiling. Tsu's usually stoic expression was replaced with amazement, and it looked great on her.

Tsu does look pretty cute when she shows her emotions . . . no, shut up brain. Not now. Gay thoughts can come later.

After you two played inside the cavern for a while, you walked home while the sun was swallowed by the sea. You had a pleasant walk home and ate some soba together at a restaurant.

The two of you went back to the dorms, where nearly everyone was waiting for you.

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