Early Morning Training- Keith x Reader

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(from Tumblr)
Anonymous: Maybe some Keithxreader for the drabble prompt 45. "Please don't shut me out.
Word Count: 800 something? (i forgot the exact number)
Warnings: mentions of blood: some angst
Training early in the morning was somehow put into your daily routine. After Allura decided to tell you how weak you were at a group training session, the desire to prove her wrong was so strong you were training nonstop. Yeah, she meant well, she was only showing tough love so you could be able to defeat anyone (or anything) in battle, but it was a little embarrassing hearing that a child 5 years younger than you could have beat your butt in some stupid training simulator by a warrior princess from another planet.
You grab your towel and  water bottle with your cloth wrapped hands and tip toed outside of your room. Everyone was asleep, and you didn't want to disturb anyone (or let anyone know what you were doing. The element of surprise was on your side, and you wanted to keep it that way until you had a another dreaded group training session.)
You walked into the training room to see something that made your heart stop.
"Keith's here?!" you thought, frightened that he would see you.
But, surprisingly he didn't. He was so busy trying to beat atraining droid he didn't even notice you. You watched, crouched behind a nearby bench, hoping that he might leave in a little bit.
He was really strong. You could see the muscle from under his sweat-soaked shirt- the guy looks skinny, but man was he toned. You blushed, realizing how weird this looked- you watching Keith train like some creep at an ungodly hour in the morning.
You remember him saying he was going to train 2 hours before you went to bed.
"Could he have been training all this time?" you asked yourself.
He couldn't have. That would be so unsafe-a person can't train for 6 hours straight- that could do more damage than go-
You hear Keith yelled out in pain as the droid took a clean cut to his arm, and fell to the ground, dropping his bayard in the process.
"Keith!" you yelled as you ran to his side. You grabbed his bayard, and blocked the blow coming towards his side. You thrusted the sword into a open spot on the droids stomach, and it dissolved into dust and floated up to the ceiling.
"Are you okay?" you turned, expecting to see him on the ground, but he was already standing up, anger in his eyes.
"I had it. I didn't need your help." he spat at you, grabbing his bayard back from your hands and walking off.
Astonished fury bubbled up inside you.
"Really?! You looked like you needed my help after that droid almost took your arm off." you said, trying to keep your anger at bay.
"I just saved him!" you thought, "he would have been butchered if I wasn't here!"
He tuned to face you. "What do you mean 'almost took my arm off-" he looked down, confusion taking over his face, not even noticing his arm had been cut and was oozing crimson red.
He dropped his sword again. He grabbed his arm, the cracks in his fingers starting to well up with red, and crouched on the floor, wondering how he didnt feel it, and wondering why he was still training for this long, and why he was so weak he couldn't fight off one droid-
"Are you okay?" you asked crouching next to him.
"Im fine- just need- bandages," he grunted between points of high pain.
"Let me look at it."
"Please, I can help, you're really hur-"
"I SAID NO." he yelled, feeling pain and anxiety taking over. He didn't want anyone seeing him like this; weak, scared, hurt. Especially you.
You weren't angry anymore. You felt his pain- you wanted to help him, but he was so stubborn and hurt; he wouldn't. His long bangs were matted to his forehead, his shirt a shade darker then it should have been, and he was panting like he just ran a marathon. He grimaced in pain again.
"Please dont shut me out. I only wanna help you Keith." you whispered, grabbing his shoulders.
His breath hitched when you said his name, your voice filled with pain and worry, and he looked at your face to see your expression matched.
"How long have you been training?" you asked sternly.
"To be honest, I don't know really.."
"Have you been training since you told the team you were going to go train?" you asked, really already knowing the answer.
"Keith!" you yelled in dissapoint, "You know you can't train for that long, that's not good for you!"
"Says the girl who trained for 4 hour straight yesterday." he smirked.
"Wait- how did you know that?!?" you yelled again, in shock. How would he-
"Have you been watching me train?!" you asked, watching his face turn redder than it already was.
"Maybe- I just came in- and saw you- so I was waiting for you to leave- and I was just waiting." He added quickly, trying to convince you he was innocent of an act and failing miserably.
Your heart fluttered; "Okay, perv," you teased, a smile tugging on your lips, "lets get cleaned up."

(Find me on Tumblr as @futurepurplepaladin for more of my fics)
(Requests for head-cannons, one shots, etc are open!)

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