Introduction (and Rules)

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Hi! As you may already know, this is a Voltron x Reader fanfic book.
I originally started on Tumblr as @futurepurplepaladin, but I'm decided to put my work and update on here as well as Tumblr.
I'll keep this short and sweet because let's face it-nobody is
gonna read this!
But here are the ground rules:
Rule Number 1- NO HATING
just to be clear....I'm doing this for fun and to connect with others who love vld! So if you wanna talk about conspiracies with me, GO AT IT, wanna talk about ships, YES PLS I DONT JUDGE! Let's keep open minds, kay? Oh and if anyone wants to like critique my writing and give me pointers, I'd love that! Just no hate ☺️
Rule Number 2- No NSFW Limes or Lemons
Sry y'all-just can't do it
Rule Number 3- I wont do BOM or Coran or characters like that- just The OG Paladins+ Matt (cause umm LOVE ME SOME MATT)
Rule Number 4- Dont be Afraid!
I don't care how dumb you think ur idea is for a scenario or if your scared I'll judge you- I seriously WONT! All ideas are good ideas and no matter who you are I'm okay with it! Blow up my inbox

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