I just realized...

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So I just realized that I have never made an introduction of myself sooo here it is:

This is the first time I've ever done something like this - I have no idea where to start. So basically, my name is Sania although, I mostly go by Nia or any other nicknames my friends give me. I am currently twelve years old and I live in Nashville, TN. I absolutely love California, New York, and Chicago (I hope to live in one of these places one day). I play tons of sports (soccer, swimming, lacrosse, boxing, softball, volleyball, archery, and surfing - when I'm at competitions). I'm a pretty athletic and tomboyish girl. I love to read (my favorites are sci-fi, mystery, and murder). I have a Wattpad account that I post regularly on and write mostly LL fanfictions. I can't stand any music besides pop, rap, and rock. I absolutely love Eminem and Twenty One Pilots. In my free time, I like to read, write, draw, sing/listen to music, box, and play football or any other sports. My favorite books I've read are The Hunger Games, Lorien Legacies, Raven Boys, and Harry Potter. My favorite colors are red, black, and blue. I absolutely love Harley Quinn and Black Widow and my role model is Demi Bagby. I am also a surfer and certified scuba-diver and when I'm older, I want to buy myself a motorcycle (preferably black, red, or blue). My absolute favorite sports are boxing, archery, and surfing. My zodiac sign is Capricorn and I am a proud Gryffindor. My birth stone is Garnet. I love Stranger Things and I am also a big fan of Marvel. I am most like the Garde, Six - which is what a lot of people say. I'm stubborn as hell, I hate being wrong, I believe strongly in vengeance and justice, I always have a plan, and I like being challenged (especially when it comes to fighting).  

Now that all the good stuff is done, it's time to share the weird side of me. (Don't judge!).

First off, I'm a bit of an insomniac. I am barely ever able to sleep and when I do, it's only for a few hours. I stay up late and try to make myself asleep by doing weird stuff like working out or shadow boxing. I kind of want an alien invasion to happen - I don't know why it just sounds kind of cool especially since my life feels really repetitive. I know how to find Tracking Codes and IP addresses, I know how to access the deep and dark web, and I know how to get free wifi from Xfinity. (My friend taught me all that crap). I also know a bunch of survival techniques. I know how to shoot tons of guns (most people in TN know how to). So yeah, that's all the weird stuff about me.

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