thirty-three. double-sided mirrors

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i did say it was a funhouse, didn't i?

❝ i did say it was a funhouse, didn't i?  ❞

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☽ .* ・ 。゚

WALKING TO THE CONSOLE room with a coffee cup in hand she jumped down the steps to her friend situated at the screen as always. Sipping her drink Katie eyed him as he didn't register her being there immediately. "Coffee machine in the console room would make everything easier."

"Not happening, it would spill."

"You've redecorated everything else," Katie continued as she took a look around the brightly colored space, "I miss your grunge days." Joining his side she looked to the screen before he switched it to a loading stage. Giving him a glance in suspicion the Doctor said nothing of this as he pulled a lever down to get them started.

Instead he was growing more lively than usual in account of preparation for what was ahead of them. "I've picked up some peculiar readings, we're going to investigate."

"What makes them peculiar exactly? Is it alien?" Katie asked with a laugh as she sat in the lone seat of the console room.

Seeing the Doctor go to work she held her mug carefully over the bumpy measures they took on their arrival. Still he made time to go over to face her properly to show his offense to her response. "Why is your first assumption is that it's alien?" Katie didn't say anything and only gestured a hand for him to look around at where they were. "Point taken."

Taking the cup from her hands she looked to him offended, not having a chance to say anything as he grabbed her hand to pull her towards the doors. "No time for a break, we have things to do, research to take." Laughing at his enthusiasm, the Doctor pushed open the doors for Katie step forward first to look around the infrastructure amazed.

The clear, iridescent walls stared back at her as the TARDIS stood out with its pop of color. Katie did a small spin as she gathered in the feel of the place, while the Doctor waited patient by the doors with a small grin. "You've always got that look when we go somewhere."

Bringing her back down to reality, she still had a grin plastered on her face even as she tilted her head to him confused. "Do I?" He nodded, shutting the doors for Katie to extend a hand out to him cheerfully. Taking it they made quick strides on their way with the Doctor taking the lead to direct them on where the strange signals had been coming from. "I can see it's alien after all."

"Don't get smart with me now."

"As if that'd be anything new." As they passed through the empty halls Katie continued to look puzzled. The area was strangely empty, quiet other than the pair's footsteps as they continued on their pursuit. "What is this place anyways?"

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