"Shhh... There there you'll be OK. I've missed you Soph, so much" she said wiping my tears away." I can't believe you're here. I missed you so much Shyla. Thank you for coming." I said snuffling and hugging her again.

When we pulled away she looked down at my bump and started rubbing it." Oh my gosh Soph, you've grown since the last time I saw you. And let me tell you girl, you are glowing. So what are we expecting?" She asked in one breath. I laughed " Thanks Shyla, and I don't know, I wanted it to be a surprise. " I said smiling at her.

Dr Paisley came in again and had me lay down on the bed again and checked if I was fully dilated. "Well good news Soph, you are fully dilated" he said getting a few more nurses and setting everything up for this baby to come.

As they brought everything into the room I began to get more nervous. Shyla was standing right beside me holding my hand and Jake said he was going to step out of the room. It was understandable because if he stayed in here for any longer he would've passed out.

" Ok Soph, it's time to push, when your next contraction hits you should start pushing" he said calmly. I nodded and pushed at my next contraction. "That was very good now breathe" he said looking at me.

I breathed in and out, in and out, and when my next contraction hit I pushed as hard as I can and this time I screamed my lung out and squeezed Shyla's hand as hard as I could.

"Fuck! Soph I think you're breaking my hand!" Shyla yells through clenched teeth. "Well sorry, you're not the one pushing a baby out of your vagina, are you!" I yelled back.

Just as I finished yelling the contraction  and I stop pushing and breathe."Shyla I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." I said on the verge of crying.

"Soph it's fine, I promise" Shyla said wiping away my tears.

"OK Soph that was good just a few more" Dr Paisley says.

When he says that I already start pushing, and breathed, then pushed again then breathed.

"That's it Soph almost there. Just one more big push. Do you tink you can do that?" Dr Paisley asks. I nod and took one deep breath and pushed as hard as I can.

Then the most amazing sound filled my ears, my baby's cries. I smiled and heard Dr Paisley say that it's a boy.

The nurse brings him over and tears escaped my eyes at the sight of my baby boy, but she soon takes him away and I wanted her to bring him back but felt pressure downstairs.

"Wait a minute... Soph this isn't over you have another baby, I'm gonna have to break your water again and then you have to push again" Dr Paisley said.

"WHAT!? No it can't be, all my ultrasounds showed only one baby, how can there be two?" And just as I ask that Dr Paisley breaks my water and tells me to push.

I took a deep breath and pushed as hard as I could. After another ten pushes the pressure and pain disappeared but I couldn't hear anything. I looked at the doctor and saw that he had a baby in his hands but the baby wasn't crying.

"Why isn't the baby crying?! What's wrong with my baby!?" I yell tears spilling out of my eyes. I watched as Dr Paisley tapped the baby on the bum a few times and the baby started crying. Relief filled my body and I instantly relaxed.

"Congratulations Sophia it's a baby girl" Dr Paisley says and brings my baby girl to me and lays her on my chest. When I saw her I was full on crying, tears of joy obviously. " Thank you Dr Paisley." I said gratefully.

"What are you going to name them Soph?" Dr Paisley asks with papers and a own in his hands. A nurse come back with my baby boy and then takes my princess to get her cleaned up and examined to see if she is perfectly healthy.

"My baby boy I'm going to name Nova Hunter Collins and my baby girl Nevaeh Isla Collins" I said looking at my baby boy in pride.


Heyy guys

I know this chapter took me a long time and I'm really sorry. I know sorry won't cut it. Thank you for your patience I really appreciate it.

So finally the babies are here! What are your thoughts on the surprise baby?

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, please comment your thoughts.

And thank you for support on my book

Love you guys


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