The Rejection - Chapter 2

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Francisco Lachowski as Blake

I woke up from the best sleep I have had in a long time, turning around expecting to see my mate there but unfortunately he wasn't where I want him to be. I sat up in the bed holding the covers tight to my body looking around the room to find him getting dressed in a hurry." What are you doing?" I asked him as soon as I spot him. "Listen Sophia no one is to know about this and I mean no one" he said with a serious tone. " What do you mean Blake? " I asked confused. "I Alpha Blake Collins of the Blood Rage Pack reject you Sophia Merit as my mate and Luna of this pack" he said without hesitating and I could feel my whole world falling apart and an ache in my heart, tears on the brink of spilling.

"Blake is this some kind of joke? What about everything that we did last night, is it just one of your one night stands to you? " I asked trying not to let him hear the sadness in my voice. he doesn't answer me and just keeps looking like he's not interested in anything that I have to say. "Goddammit Blake just answer me!!!" I yelled in his face starting to get angry. "Sophia don't test my patience, everything we did last night for me was just like another one of my one night stands, are you happy now Sophia you got the answer out of me ?" he said in a calm tone. How the hell can he be so calm about this whole thing? " Blake you can't just up and do this to me, I'm your mate your other half, we're meant for each other don't you understand that?" I asked with a defeated tone." Sophia I just think that you are not strong enough to be the Luna of this pack or a mate for me, I think its best if you just forget about everything." he said with an angry tone .

"If that's what you want then so be it" I said rushing to get dressed. Once dressed I rushed past him to Shyla's room in tears. When I got to her room I knocked on her door and waited for her to answer. Not even a few seconds later she opened the door and saw me and immediately pulled me into her room shutting the door and turning to me with a questionable look on her face. So I started sobbing and saying through the sobs " I..I found m..mate." her eyes widened and she was grinning from ear to ear saying" Then why are you crying, aren't you supposed to be happy?" I just sob even harder."Soph what happened? Please talk to me" she said in a worried tone." Shyla he..he rej..rejected me" I said through the sobs. "Oh my gosh Soph I'm so sorry, who is your mate?" She asked sympathetically "I don't want to tell you Shyla, because we did it last night and he said I cant tell anyone about it" I said " Well technically after he rejected you, you don't have to follow his orders. So please tell me, you know you can trust me." She said hoping i'll tell her.

I know she won't give up so I just sighed in defeat and said" The alpha is or was my mate". Shyla gasped in shock " Soph I'm so so so sorry he did that to you." She said apologetically

" I just wish I never found my mate " I said into my hands. There was a knock on her bedroom door and Shyla answered it to reveal the one and only jerk who rejected me.

"Shyla can you please give me moment alone with Sophia?" he asked with a calm tone as if nothing had happened just a few minutes earlier. Shyla stood in the doorway making sure he cant slip past her and said" I don't think that this is a good idea, Alpha" and when she said alpha she said it with so much venom in her voice. The first thing that popped into my head was that she was going to be in so much shit for disrespecting the Alpha, the leader of the pack. " Shyla let me in or so be it I will make you a rouge with just a snap of my finger, and you know that it is possible for me to do so. So if I were you I would step out of the way and out of the room so i can have a word with Sophia." he said dangerously low. she shot me an apologetic look before stepping out of the way letting him in and closing the door behind her as soon as she was out of the room.

" Sophia, i hope that you didn't tell Shyla about what we are to each other and what we did last night, because if you did there will be consequences" he said as he stepped closer to me, which caused me to take a step back. " What do you think Blake? She's my best friend I share everything with her!" I said my voice raising a little. " Why would you possibly tell her?" he asked. " Like I said before Blake, she is my best friend, she's the only one in this damn pack besides your mother that has been treating me like a normal person and not by my ' title' as the Omega. So yeah Blake I would tell her anything that has and is happening to me!" I screamed with tears rolling down my face. He made a move to wipe them away but i just turned my face the other way. He sighed and turned towards the door walking out of it not saying another word.


So guys sorry for the late update i have been so busy with school. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. What are your thoughts on Sophia?? What you have done if you were in her situation?

Anyway please comment and tell me what you guys think so far and if i should try doing better and or if i should make some changes

I wont ask you to vote because its just a waste of my time ... so it's up to you if you want to vote or not .

Anyway I hope i can update again very shortly and if not im really sorry,like i said im super busy with school and my tests have started this week so i hope i can update.

Thank you so much for reading




see you guys in the next chapter!!!!

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