Where My Life Changes - Chapter 1

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Alexandria Daddario as Sophia Merrit


As I reached the bottom of the stairs Shyla attacked me in a bone crushing hug. " Sh..Shyl..la c..can..can't b..br..breathe "I said. "Oh sorry I'm just sooo excited and happy that you are finally coming out of that room of yours" she said too excitedly. Here's a thing i love her like a sister but sometimes her being too excited can irritate the crap out of me.

Anyway, she wore a black crop top, a galaxy skirt that is shorter in the front and longer on the back, ankle wedge boots and a Chanel purse. As for her makeup she did a thick cat winged liner, a smokey eye with natural light browns and baby pink lip gloss.

She has always had the best taste in fashion and still does. "Shyla you look gorgeous " I exclaimed as we walked into the massive backyard of the pack house."Look who's talking, for once you are not wearing clothes that you are drowning in, that dress shows all your curves in all the right places. If i was a guy i would literally have drool on my chin." she said making me roll my eyes but not without felling the heat creep up my neck to my cheeks.

As we got closer to the backyard we could hear the music blasting as loud as possible. When we got outside there were people already in the pool, people grinding on others and the smell of alcohol in the air making me nauseous. I regret even stepping a foot out of the comfort of my room, I could've been on my bed reading a book, but no Shyla had to drag me out of the safety of my room.When i looked to my right Shyla was nowhere in sight, well that's just fantastic the one time i go to a party and she abandons me.

"Well hello sexy, wanna get out of here and maybe we could you know get some... " said a guy from behind me. When I turned around i sae that it was the beta Zack.

" Zack what are you talking about? " I ask obliviously.

"I'm talking about us getting out of here and finding a room where its just you and me baby " he said smugly

I finally caught on to what he meant. " Uhm... Zack you have a mate? What is Alex going to think about this? "

"Oh come on baby she won't find out about this, i promise" he said winking. Just as i was about to say something Alex his mate came up to us. " Oh... Hi Sophia, what were you guys talking about? " asked Alex oblivious to Zack just flirting with me. I not wanting to cause problems between them because come on they are by far the cutest couple ever, so i replied with" Oh you know the usual catching up " adding a forced smile at the end.

Well this is awkward... Im just gonna back away slowly and try to get away. Once I got away i went to the kitchen getting myself a drink. Not knowing what was in the red solo cup I gulped down the substance not without leaving a burning sensation in the back of my throat. Well that was just disgusting... How can anyone drink that stuff ?

I exited the kitchen and ran into Katherine. " Hi Soph, how have you been? " she asked giving me a hug. " Hi Katherine ive been good thanks. How have things been with you, you know with Blake becoming alpha " i asked with a teasing manner. " I just want to cry everytime i see my baby boy growing up." she said tears forming in her eyes. "Mom you know im not a baby anymore right? Im 18 and alpha in exactly 20 minutes " Blake says walking up to Katherine. She swats his shoulder and hugged him, " Even if you are 18 and alpha you will always be my baby boy " she said with the tear rolling down her cheek. Blake brushes it away with his thumb and kisses her forehead, he then pulled away and spun around looking directly into my eyes " May i please have a word with you Sophia? " he asked with a serious tone. " Uhm... S.. Sure A.. Alpha. Katherine ill see you later." i said giving her a  hug and following Blake to the deserted balcony , where he stops and turns around swiftly. "Sophia you understand that we are mates right? " he asked aggressively. Whoah what has got his panties in a twist. " Yes alpha " i replied with my gaze in the ground.

Just when he was about to say something the balcony door bursts open to reveal his father. As he walked closer to us i bowed my head and took a step back so he and Blake could talk. " Blake is this where you have been the whole time? " his father asked sternly. "Father i was only here for like two minutes, i was trying to talk to Sophia" he answered

"You mean to say that you have been talking to this worthless mutt!?! Blake i expect you to do better than this " his father yelled. Well ouch... I know i might be the omega of the pack but i can guarantee you that im not worthless or a mutt. " What were you two talking about anyway? " he asked. " Nothing important father, now why are you here? " asked Blake with a blank expression on his face. Wow is that how he feels about us being mates? " Ive come here to get you for the ceremony its about to start. " said his father."Right yes im on my way father, right behind you" replied Blake walking past me with his father without sparing me a glance.

When they we're  out of sight and i couldn't hear their footsteps anymore i slid down the wall and cried my eyes out missing the whole ceremony


After i finished crying i went to the bathroom and washed ny face and fixed my makeup. When i was done i went into the kitchen grabbing a drink making sure i would get drunk. The first anf second drink stung in the back of my throat... Then I took another and another and then i lost track of how many i drank. I went to the dance floor not caring about what people think about me for that moment and i just started swaying my hips and after a while guys were grinding on me and i on them. I had to admit it was good until someone grabbed my hand dragging me up the stairs and into a hall near a rooms and slammed me against the wall. " You are not allowed to grind or dance sexy to anyone other than me, do you understand me? " asked the familiar voice. "I.... Can... Grind on anyone that i want to, you're not my boss"  i slurred but eventually got my words out. " If you want to grind on someone then just grind on me, I am the only one around now" he said stepping into the light and i see its Blake with a smirk on his face.  " Let go of me Blake " i said a bit rudely. "or what princess?" he retorted.

"Or I will kick you where the sun doesn't shine" I said trying to sound confident but failing miserably. The next thing i knew his lips were on mine kissing me passionately. At fist I didn't respond but after a second i just couldn't help myself. He slid his hands down to the back of my thighs motioning for me to jump and i do so wrapping my legs around his waist. He carried me to I'm assuming a room. He then laid me down on the bed trailing the kisses down my neck before stopping and looking at me. " if you want me to stop just say so " he said with a caring tone in his voice. "No i want to do this " i said eagerly. And that was the only sign he needed to go on.

That night was probably the biggest change in my life.


Hii guys sorry for the late update but at least its done.

Thnx again sooooo much for reading the story comment plz plz plz

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Love you all xoxox

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