The Truth - Chapter 7

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Bruce Greenwood as Alpha Henry Collins (Blake's Father)


Blake's POV ( surprise!!!!)(This is the night of Blake's party)

Tonight is the night that I finally become Alpha of this pack. I've waited so long for this day. I wonder if I'm going to meet my mate tonight. I hope I find the one destined to be with me forever. I will love her with my whole heart. She will be my everything, my world, my queen.

" Blake, honey are you awake?" I heard my mom yell from downstairs." Yeah mom. I'll be out in a bit" after I said that I was out of my room and off to my father's office. " Dad, may I come in?" I asked as I opened the door. My father looked up from his papers and smiled at me standing up. " Good morning son. Happy birthday." My father said hugging me tight." Thank you dad" I chuckled.

"Are you excited for your big day? You're finally becoming alpha of this pack." he said with enthusiasm and excitement in his voice. I just chuckled and said " I'm excited but still nervous. What if I don't find my mate dad? I won't have an heir to take after me when my time comes dad." I said concern lacing my voice. My father pulled away from the hug but his hands stayed on my shoulder, he looked into my eyes" Blake, you will find her. I promise you will, and you will have an heir. I want grandchildren, and when I want something I get it. You should know that more than anyone" he joked enlightening the mood. 

" Thank you father" I said hugging him again. I left his office and head downstairs where I saw my mother there helping all the pack women prepare food for my party tonight. " Hey mom, I gotta ask you something" I said once she saw me. " Blake is everything ok? " she asked with a worried look. I nodded " Yes mom, but can I please ask you this in private?" I asked feeling unsure. She nodded her head and motioned for me to follow her. We walked into the library and she locked the door behind me once we made sure there was no one in there. " Uhm mom, I wanted to ask when I'll know if I found her?" I asked a little nervous.

" Well honey, first you'll smell her, her scent will be the most wonderful thing you have ever smelt, then when you find her your wolf will go crazy screaming, when you look into her eyes you won't be able to take them off of her, when you touch there's gonna be sparks. When you find her honey you'll just know." she said with love in her eyes and I knew she was thinking of my father" But mom, what if I don't find her?" I asked. She looked shocked. " Blake Alexander Collins, don't think that way." she scolded " You will find her and you're going to love her with your whole heart." she confidently said and hugged me. " Thank you mom. I love you" I said and hugged back " I love you too my baby  boy" she said teasingly. I groaned while she just laughed.

Two hours later and the party is about to start. I walked out of my room and went downstairs. As I was walking down I caught the scent of roses and honey. I followed the scent and as I was walking into the kitchen I saw my mom there talking to Sophia. When I saw her my wolf, Max, went crazy screaming 'mate'. 

As I was going to go over and talk to her my father pulled me by my arm to an empty room. "Blake your mated with the omega?" he asked looking furious. What the hell!? I thought he wanted me to find my mate! " Yes father, Sophia is my mate. Why are you mad that I found my mate?" i asked my voice raising. " Blake if you are going to be mates with an omega your going to be judged as a weak alpha." he said " Father I don't care that people will think that I'm a weak alpha. I'll be ready to face the consequences. I'm not gonna give her up dad!" I yelled ready to leave when my father said the next I stopped dead in my tracks." If you choose her over your pack I will not be handing the title over to you son!" he yelled. 

" There is no one else to give it to father. I'm the only child you have!" I yelled back looking at him. " Yes there is. I'll hand it over to your cousin Desmond" he said " So if you choose the mutt you'll lose the opportunity!" he continued. " Then what should I do father?" I asked defeated." Reject her, then you'll have your power of being alpha" he said satisfied with himself.

When he said that I broke. How am I supposed to do that? She did nothing to me, why should I do this to the both of us? 'Blake you don't have to do this. We can run away with her. Disappear with her. Start a family with her .'  Max said.' Max I can't just leave my pack behind. They need me.I don't have a choice' I said and the shut him out.

I walked out of the room and went to the kitchen were I found her. I walked up to her and asked her if we could speak in private. We went to the porch." Sophia as you know we are mates?" I asked furiously " Yes alpha" she said bowing her head. As i was about to reject her my father interrupted us. He took me away and the ceremony began. After the ceremony the actual party began, I was searching for Sophia but couldn't find her. A little while later I found her drunk, grinding on another male. What the hell? She is mine, no one else's! I walked over to her and grabbed her arm pulling her out of the crowded room, upstairs into my room.

"Blake what the hell!" she slurred. " You're not allowed to dance like that with anyone other than me" I said." You're not the boss of my Blake, I can do what I want" she fought back. I gave up with arguing with her and I just couldn't resist anymore, I kissed her. She kissed back passionately and things escalated quickly after that.

When I woke up in the morning I didn't want to move from my spot. My mate was in my arms, peacefully asleep. But that was ruined quickly when my father linked me 'Blake! Where are you?' he asked ' On my way father I'm getting dressed now'  I lied. After that I got up and got dressed. " Where are you going?" I heard her sweet innocent voice." Listen Sophia no one is to know about what happened last night and I mean no one" I said harshly. " Blake what are you saying?" she asked with tears in her eyes. Damn it she's making it hard for me to do this. " I Alpha Blake Collins of the Blood Rage pack reject you Sophia Merit as my mate an Luna of my pack." I said turning around and walking out of the room with tears in my eyes. I'm so sorry Sophia, I had to do this.I didn't have a choice.


Two weeks later

Two weeks have passed after my party and to say it's been hard is an understatement. It's been difficult. The guys and I were going for a swim in the backyard and I was on my way to the kitchen to get a drink when I passed her in the hallway. When I got a whiff of her scent and I lost it. My wolf slightly took control and pinned her against the wall. I hid my face in the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent." Blake what are you doing?" she angrily asks. " Well Sophia you are my mate, do you want to know how badly I want to mark you right now?" Max asked her lustfully.'Max, let me back in control! You're scaring her!' I yelled at him. 'But Blakey she's our mate. I know you want her back too.'  he said trying to lure me in to give up."Blake you can't, you just can't" she said.

After a while I let her go when I got control of Max. I'm pissed at him and at my father. He ruined my life.Sophia I promise that I will tell you the truth once the beast isn't in my life anymore. That is my vow to you. I will have you back.


Heyy guys so this chapter is up a day early but I just couldn't wait. I had to post it.

I can't believe it this is the first POV of Blake I've ever written!( well duh captain obvious)

I just can't believe it! I'm so excited that this is the first POV of him.

I hope you enjoy it because i certainly have.

PLZ comment and tell me your honest opinions.Voting is up to you 

Love you guys



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