Chapter 8

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I laid on the couch with my feet propped up on the table. I was going on my 7th day of recovering and it was treating me well. I had to practically threaten my doctor to release me but it helped that he knew William. It wasn't like I planned on working out or running a marathon. No, more like sit at home and binge watch Netflix thanks to the school giving me the next month off work. I didn't know what I was going to do with my time off but it was a great start.

My current binge was How To Get Away With Murder and I was obsessed. I was never into soap operas or reality tv but give me a crime show and I'll be all over that.

With my 2nd bowl of chicken noodle soup propped up on my stomach, I was your classic definition of couch potato. I hadn't moved in that week and honestly, I didn't have plans to.

Will was always coming and going. He checked in often and encouraged me to get out. I couldn't. I was beyond exhausted yet I couldn't close my eyes without seeing the kidnappers.  My first night home was riddled with nightmares. I scared Will half to death with my screaming and kicking. He had been patient though and held me till I slowly fell asleep. That's happened 3 or 4 times every night. I could tell it was taking toll on both of us but I continued to ignore it, much like all my others problems.

A soft knock sounded from the front door. I paused Annalise and walked down the hallway. Passing the mirror, I glanced and took in my appearance. Bags under my eyes? Check. Pajamas I haven't taken off in 4 days? Check. Rats nest of a hair? Double check. God I looked like shit.

I tried smoothing down my hair but sighed in defeat. I walked to the door and opened it. There stood one of our good friends Malia in all her sass and glory. I smiled and wrapped her in a hug. She squeezed me and let go.

"God Kasey, you stink. When was the last time you showered?" She said, pushing past me to enter my house. I turned and followed, closing the door behind me.

"Wow Malia. I missed you too." I laughed. She stopped in the entrance of the living and looked at me. Not one of sympathy and pity, no, one of love and compassion.

"Seriously? William said you were holed up in the house but I didn't think it was this bad." I peered into the living room and took in it's condition. Tissues littered the couch, and floor while empty food boxes and drink containers filled the coffee table. I cringed at the mess and realization.

"Yeah," I started, scratching my neck. "It's been a rough week."

"Well, we're going to fixed that. Go jump in the shower and tame whatever's on top of your head. I'll fix up this monstrosity." She pushed me into my room and shut the door. I slowly walked to the bathroom and heard the door open again. I turned and saw Malia peak in her head.

"I'm glad you're okay, Kasey." She stated softly and closed the door. I smiled and thanked William silently. I knew this was his doing. Even though we met through William's worked, Malia and I had instantly hit it off. She was blunt yet caring, she told you what she was thinking and didn't beat around the bush. She was one of my best friends and she was the only one that could pull me out of whatever hump I was in. Hopefully.

I left my room smelling fresh and my long straight hair wrapped in a towel. I held my robe tightly around me as I slowly walked into the newly cleaned living room. The coffee table had been cleaned and the couch left no evidence of a week of my presence. In the chair sat Malia scrolling through her phone. She glanced up and smiled.

"Ahh, Doesn't that feel much better?" She stated. I nodded and sat on the couch. "Nope, no more sitting. You're going to go dry your hair and get dressed so we can go out and eat. I'm starving."

I sighed. "Malia, I thank you for coming here and forcing me to shower but I don't think I'm feeling up for going out." Sure the shower felt amazing but the thought of even leaving the house and having to social and talk to people made my cringe. I wanted to be a couch potato. A freshly showered couch potato.

"You've had a week to  do what you're doing. I let you have some space and do what you needed to do but times up. We're going to get lunch and then, you're doing to help with the last minute preparations for my wedding. So you can suck it up. Now go." She stated. Damn it. She was persuasive. And to be frank, I didn't want to try and pick a fight with her either. So instead of replying, I stood up and walked to my bedroom.

"Did Will put you up to this? I won't be mad if he did but I just need to know who to blame for not finishing the season finale." I stated. I had fixed myself up enough to look presentable and now we were on our way to some shrimp truck that had recently opened up. Malia glances at me from the driver's seat and rolled her eyes.

"You're my best friend and I thought it was time to come see you." She said.

"So yes." I replied.

"Yes. He's worried about you! Do you blame him? I mean, with half the stuff you've gone through and now this—" I cut her off.

"Look I appreciate you guys being worried about me but I can handle this myself. I've done it before and I can do again." I stated. I hated people helping me through things that happened in my life. It made me feel weak and vulnerable, something no one enjoys expressing.

"But you don't have to, Kasey. You have me and William to help you through this." She said. I knew they care. They have always cared and I appreciated that but this was something I needed to do on my own. I just wished they understood that.

"Can we just not talk about this right now? I just want to sit on the beach and eat potentially horrible shrimp with my best friend. No kidnapping talk, okay?" I asked.

I could see her contemplating her answer after glancing at my face. She let out a sigh and nodded. "Okay. No kidnapping talk."

I smiled in triumph. I just wanted to ignore this as long as I could and feel normal for once. The kidnapping was just one more thing in my life to make things difficult. 

Blue Eyed Beauty {Hawaii Five-O}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora