Chapter 1

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"Mahalo," I nodded to the driver as I exited the bus. I slipped my sunglasses on as I was welcomed by the warm, tropical weather. The bright blue skies and the subtle smell of salt water was a sensation I came to love.

Four years in Hawaii and I found myself submerged in the great culture and its people. The hospitality let a small vacation turn into an unplanned relocation. With my degree in education, it wasn't hard for me to find a teaching job on the island. Oahu was my home, and the moment I stepped on the land, I knew it was where I was supposed to be.

Walking down the overcrowded streets, I glanced at the various vendors and shoppers. Weekends were my days to explore and find new adventures. With school beginning tomorrow, I made sure to go out before my days were once again filled with adolescent children and papers to grade.

A newspaper caught my eye as I passed. I paused to pick it up finding the headline interesting, "Hawaii's Five-O Makes Arrest Regarding Plane Crash." It was a story that I had been following due to one of the teachers I worked with being related to the woman that died. She was devastated to hear the news of her sister's death and being a close friend of mine; it was hard to see her in such a position. However, the task force had a good reputation so it was reassuring to know they'd be on the case.

"Excuse me, miss." I glance up, taking in the Asian man. He was reaching for the same paper with curious eyes. "It's a relief; knowing they got the murderer," he said. I nodded.

"Definitely helps me sleep at night knowing there are people that can get the job done," I replied. The man smiled.

"Well, I happen to know they take their jobs very seriously. Best in the business." He exclaimed. "Max Bergman." He offered his hand, and I accepted.

"Bergman? Don't you work with Five-O?" I asked. I remember reading a couple articles that included ME reports. Taking in his appearance, I could see how this man could be in the medical field. Dressing neat and organized, he wore a collared shirt and sweater.

He nodded. "Indeed. I am a medical examiner. I often work cases with them."  He pushed his glasses higher on his nose, pride evident in his tone.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Bergman. If you don't mind me asking, how do you like working with the task force?" I asked. I was amazed to stand in the presence of someone that not only has been in contact with the team but often works cases with them.

"Oh, it's a delight. They do great work, and it's an honor to be a part of it." He exclaimed. His cell phone started ringing from his pocket. He retrieved the device and glanced at it. "Speaking of. It was a pleasure meeting you, miss?" He questioned.

"Kasey. Kasey Gordon. Trust me, Doctor. The pleasure is all mine." I answered.

"Well Ms. Gordon, I better be on my way, but I hope to meet again. Have a pleasant day." He turned away, answering the phone call with a "Bergman."

"You as well," I replied with a slight wave. I turned to purchase the newspaper, but it was hard to contain my excitement of the interaction. This was one story I couldn't wait to tell my fiancé.

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