Chapter 4

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I fled back to my seat as the intruders stepped on the bus. The man jumped in the driver's seat and started pulling away from the crime scene. The woman grabbed a bag and started walking up and down the aisle.

"Everyone, put your phones in the bag." She stated. "Let's Go!"

Charlie was shaking frantically. With my phone in my hand, I placed my arm around her and pulled her close. I don't know if the comfort was for her or me, but I couldn't do much else. There was no way I'd be able to fight those two let alone get away to call for help.

An idea popped into my head, and I whispered to Charlie.. "Give me your phone." As long as I put a phone in the bag, maybe she wouldn't notice that Charlie didn't put one in.

She was a few rows behind us but didn't notice the exchange. "I said now! Let's Go! Phones in the bag!" She continued. I looked down at Charlie's Hello Kitty phone case and gave her a small smile. I hid her phone under my leg as the woman moved closer.

"I said phones in the bag!" She said walking next to us. I looked up as I placed the phone in the bag. "What are you looking at?" She spat. I quickly shifted my gaze down and hugged Charlie closer to my side.

She continued down the walkway harassing more of my students. "That's right. Let's go!" She was getting frustrated at the boys a few rows in front of us. "You! I said you! Let's go." She moved from row to row choosing different children to yell at.

Once she was a safe distance, I pulled Charlie's phone from under my leg and started typing a message. I glanced up to see where she was. "Hey, kid! Now!" She yelled. "Come on, cough it up, let's go." Charlie continued to shake next to me, so I pulled her closer.

"It'll be okay, Charlie. I promise help will come." I whispered. I wanted nothing more for that to be accurate but unless I was able to send an SOS, I didn't know if that was true or not.

"Open the door." She shouted. I saw the bag of cell phones plunge through the air as it landed on the side of the road. I was our only hope at getting help. I tried to type as fast as I could. 'Bus taken. Kids ok. Headed to'

"You. What are you doing?" I heard her shout. I tried to type faster as she walked towards me.

She grabbed the phone and smacked me with the gun. Screams came from the kids as blood trickled down my face.

"Today is not the day to be a hero." She said. I held my cheek as she walked away. Lauren leaned over and began to look at the purple bruise beginning to form.

"What the hell were you thinking? You could've gotten yourself killed." She whispered. "Did you at least get the message sent?" I looked at her with tears stinging my eyes and shook my head.

As Lauren tended to my head, the kidnappers began to mutter. "Make the call." The man whispered aggressively. His annoyance was evident, but the woman seemed to be unhappy with the command.

"I told you already. We'll make the call when we get to the location. Now shut up and drive." She began pacing back and forth. The ride was becoming bumpier the longer we went, and my headache grew.

"Kasey." The dizziness was too much, and with the bumps on the road, it wasn't making anything better. "Hey, I think you have a concussion." Lauren said. I swatted her hand away as the children glanced at us. They were scared, and the last thing they needed to see was their teacher injured.

"I'll be okay." The bus turned down a dirt road and came to a stop.

The woman stood up and walked down the aisle way waving around her gun. "Everyone, hands on the seat in front of you and heads down!" she yelled. She held up her phone and began to record. "Commander McGarrett?" She said.

"Yeah, I didn't catch your name." A voice stated. Relief washed over me as I realized who she was speaking to, Steve McGarrett, leader of the Five-0 task force. If he was involved in tracking us down, then we were in good hands.

"Oh, you can just call me the woman who's got a gun pointed at 19 hostages." She replied. With my head down I couldn't see where she was, but I could hear that she was towards the front of the bus. Charlie began to squirm next to me, so I pulled her closer.

"Have any of them been harmed?" He asked.

"No, not yet." I glanced up to see her waving the phone around streaming live video of each of the children. It was hard. Here I was, the adult responsible for all of them and I couldn't do anything to protect them. Even if she wanted to hurt one of them, I couldn't do anything.

"Good, let's keep it that way." He said. "What do you want?"

"We want what's ours. The coke you took in that bust at the harbor. We want it back. You have two hours to get it together," She pulled the phone up to her face, "or kids start dying." Coke? This was about a drug bust? I couldn't help but question what would happen to us once they got the drugs. I'd seen enough crime shows to know that most of the time if you've seen the kidnappers face, you don't survive. That's if the police even give in to their demands.

Not only was I beginning to worry, so was Lauren. I noticed across the aisle she was hyperventilating. It was silent but that only met she was close to having a panic attack, and I didn't want to see how the kidnappers would handle someone crying hysterically.

"Lauren. Lauren, hey. It's going to be okay. Look at me. It's going to be okay." I whispered. Briefly, she looked up and made eye contact. "Just breath," I said. "Just breath through it. We will get out of this." I needed to be strong. Not only for the children but for the other teachers and myself. I was going to make sure that everyone on this bus was going to make it out. I don't know how but I would do everything in my power to ensure they'd see their families again. We just needed to last long enough for Five-0 to find us.

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