You think about what he would actually like, and what has a good storyline.

"Freak the Mighty. It's still at a lower reading level, we do have to make sure you can understand it, but the story is good. You'd like it." You answer.

"Noted. I gotta run. Catch you around, Y/n." He walks off with a slight wave.

You couldn't help but to think: He knows who I am?


There's this calming peace that comes with working in a coffee shop. Especially on Sunday mornings. Everyone is still asleep, and the sluggish day reminds you that every minute can mean something.

You stood behind the counter, mindlessly doodling on your notepad. The bell rings, and you look up to see a guy around your age sitting down.

"One moment please." You say.

The tables already have menus, and he's flipping through one.

You pull fresh pastries out of the oven, as the timer had just gone off.

You gently toss them on the counter, going back up front with a notepad and pen.

"You ready to order?" You ask.

"Uh, yeah. Can I get a cherry pastry, a vanilla latte, and your number?" He asks slyly.

You were taken aback, but liked the confidence in the guy. It didn't hurt that he was cute, either.

"Mm. Depends. How big of a tip do you plan on leaving?" You joke.

Let's just say that he did end up with your number.


You've never gotten a detention in your life.

Until today.

You were popular, smart, and if we're being honest, a teacher's pet.

That didn't stop you from getting a detention for having your phone out in class, especially while there was a substitute.

You sit nervously in the library, awaiting the teacher to come in.

Another student walks in, a boy you vaguely know. He's in your grade. Mitch.

He sits two rows from you, setting his stuff down and putting in earbuds.

"Um, are you allowed to do that?" You ask without thinking first.

He looks over at you, saying "It's not like he's gonna care. They don't even pay him overtime wages for babysitting us, once he comes in he'll stay for 10 minutes, leave to 'use the bathroom', and return for the last 10 minutes. Basically you can do whatever you want here."

"You get detentions a lot, then?" You ask.

"Yeah. I don't usually do anything. Teachers just don't like me, the way they like you. By the way, what could you have possibly done to be here? What, did you get a question wrong on the homework? God forbid." He jokes.

You think he was trying to be mean but you actually found his joke quite funny. You smile, saying "No. Actually, I was on my phone in class. Can you beleive? That I'd have the audacity to look at my phone instead of the work I'd finished 5 minutes into the period!"

He smiles. It suits him, though you can tell he doesn't do it often.

"You're pretty cool, y/n."

"Not so bad yourself, Mitch."

After that, you may have got detentions a lot more frequently.


You had a secret spot, just for you. You tried to not let what they would say effect you, and it didn't, most of the time. But when they got down to that one thing you didn't like, you had to escape.

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