Chapter Three - Trapdoor

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The brothers followed the group at a distance into the woods at the perimeter of the town. Darien and Jackson were being very careful to make as little sound as possible so as not to alert the group of their presence.

The two parties walked for quite a while until they reached a small clearing. The injured one looked around them, making sure the coast was clear. Darien and Jackson scrambled to hide behind a large fir tree, and stayed there for a moment.

When they finally looked from behind the tree, the whole group was gone.

"What?! Where did they go? It's an empty clearing! There's nothing here!" Jackson exclaimed loudly.

Darien furrowed his brow and started walking to where the group was last scene. Before he got to the clearing, the injured man and his human crutch jumped from behind trees and ambushed them. They held knives against the brothers' necks.

"Who are you and how did you find us?" The injured man asked.

"We saw you in the convenience store. We aren't trying to hurt you, we were just curious. Please take the knife from my brother's neck!" Darien said quickly.

The two men dropped their knives and let the brothers go.

"What are your names?" The injured man asked.

"I'm Darien, and this is my brother Jackson. You?"

The injured man shifted his weight back onto his friend. "I'm Liam, and this is my friend Luke."

Luke scowled at Darien. "Why did you follow us?"

"We're homeless, and my brother heard one of your friends talk about a shelter, and he was hoping it was somewhere we could stay for the night," Darien replied, doling out the charm.

"I didn't mean any harm, I'm just tired of the smell from the dumpsters we've been sleeping behind," Jackson explained.

Luke's expression softened, only slightly. He looked at Liam. "We've been out here for too long, man. We need to get inside."

"Why don't you two come with us," Liam offered.

Luke stared at Liam. "What?!"

"They're homeless, Luke. Who are they gonna tell about our existence?"

Luke sighed, and began helping Liam toward the clearing. "I guess you're coming with us then."

Darien and Jackson exchanged hesitant glances, then proceeded to follow the two men.

As they neared the clearing, Darien noticed a patch of branches. Luke kneeled down, clearing off the branches, revealing a door. Opening the hatch, he helped Liam down first, then begrudgingly helped Darien and Jackson. Darien looked around. He was in an entirely furnished living space underground. Jackson's eyes lit up.

The dark-haired girl, Macy, saw the group and walked over.

"Macy, this is Darien, and his brother Jackson. They followed us here from town," Liam explained.

"Why did you bring them down here?" she asked.

"They're homeless, and need a place to stay for the night. We have plenty of room to share," he replied with smile. Macy looked to Luke, who was scowling in the corner, arms crossed.

Grabbing a cane by the entrance, Liam walked over to the kitchen area. "Would you guys like anything to drink?"

Darien shook his head.

"Water would be great," Jackson replied.

Liam grabbed a glass from a cabinet, filled it with water and handed it to Jackson. Luke walked over, pulling Liam close.

Deenwood Hall Of Horror {twenty one pilots inspired fiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora