Special: High School Days

Start from the beginning

"Hey over here! There are two seats next to me!" A girl with short blonde hair called to them. "I'm Erasa and this is my friend Videl." She smiled gesturing to the girl next to her. She had black hair in pigtails.

"You're that girl from earlier!" Gohan said.

"Oh you guys already met?" Erasa asked.

"Yea I ran into them outside of a bank robbery." Videl said.

"Hey you guys saw that?" A boy with long blonde hair asked. "Did you see the fighter there? They said it was a girl with blonde hair, they are calling her the Golden Fighter."

"I heard about that." Videl said looking right at Mae. "What's weird is that they said she was wearing a grey shirt and black pants identical to what you are wearing, Mae."

"Huh that's weird." Mae shrugged.

"Mae is too hot to be the Golden Fighter." The blonde haired boy said.

"Ugh that's Sharpner, just ignore him." Erasa groaned. "Did you know that Videl here is famous? She's the daughter of Mr. Satan!"

"Wow that's amazing!" Gohan said cheerfully.

"Yea nerd she's too good for you." Sharpner sneered.

Mae growled lowly, "what did you just call him?"

"Mae calm down it's fine." Gohan whispered.

"Hey you guys! Keep quiet and pay attention!" The teacher scolded them.

Later they went outside for P.E. Class. They were playing baseball. Videl put Mae and Gohan in the outfield. Mae wasn't paying much attention but later Gohan told her how he jumped up and caught the ball. Then when he was up to bat he got hit in the face and got to walk to base. Everyone seemed impressed that Gohan wasn't hurt.

After school was finished they were standing at their lockers when Erasa came up to them. "So Gohan where do you two live?"

"We live in the 439 mountain area." Gohan said closing his locker.

"Wow! That's like a five hour car ride!" She said in surprise.

"We don't drive." Mae said flatly.

"Then how the hell do you get here?" Sharpner asked walking over to them.

"We fly." Mae said. Gohan gave her a look and she continued. "Well what I mean is that we have a friend at Capsule Corp and she gave us a copter so we could get to school fast."

"Oh wow!" Erasa said, "Gohan will you give me a ride home?"

"Well it's only a two seater." Gohan laughed nervously.

"Well Mae can hang out with me while you take her." Sharpner draped his arm around Mae's shoulders.

"Get your arm off me now before I break it off." Mae growled. "Let's go Gohan." She snapped as she walked away from them.

"Hey nerd tell your sister to be nicer." Sharpner glared at them.

Gohan sucked in air holding his breath waiting for Mae to turn around. When she didn't he let it out glad that she didn't hear that comment. "Mae let's go see Bulma. I have an idea so we don't have to keep using Nimbus to get to school."

At capsule corp they explained to Bulma how they needed outfits to disguise them so they can fly around. "By the way is Trunks around?" Gohan asked.

"Yea he just finished training with Vegeta." Bulma explained. "He's set on making him stronger than you."

"Oh wow haha. Don't you think he's a bit young?" Gohan asked.

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