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a/n: happy holidays! Tbh, I don't feel this whole Christmas vibe anymore lmao. So I've decided to coop up in my room and come up with this story while my family and neighbors celebrate and watch the fireworks. 

I don't do well with social events, even if it's just a family gathering. I am an awkward being.  

anyways, enjoy :) 


                    I was heading home when I saw the unmistakable sign of the Red Sparrow, the seal on a note. Checking my surroundings to see if someone was watching, I snatched the note from the bark and blended with the shadows as I jogged back home.

I opened the door to the beautiful aroma of chicken stew—removing my muddied shoes and satchel in my room, I took a quick shower before trudging downstairs to the kitchen.

Just as I was about to make my presence known, I was hit at the back of my head, by none other than the devil's spawn himself, my brother.

My brother looked more of my Mother. He's younger than me by two years. He had her pale complexion and mop of black hair. Except for the pair of green eyes that he got from Father. He was a bit shorter than Father, but he's growing rapidly, hence his young age.

          "Don't even dare hit me back, you fool. How many times will Father have to reprimand you from doing such things?"

I had to tilt my head up to meet his glowering gaze. "Such as what?"

I got another hit on the head.

          "Such as frolicking in the woods after sundown!"

Mother's figure came to view and before we could dash out of her way, she grabbed both our ears and dragged us to the kitchen with our screams of agony in tow. Our backs were hunched to the height of our Mother's, which made our backs hurt with the awkward bend, but not as painful as the sting we felt in our ears.

My mother was a short woman, yet that didn't hide the fact that she was a beauty. At the height of 161 cm, she was graced with brown eyes and black hair that was always in a braid. Don't underestimate her because of her height—never.


We begrudgingly followed and waited for Father to fill his plate before we could fill ours. My glaring eyes met my brother's before we got hit on our heads by Mother who was not bothered to hide her snickers from us. Evil woman.

          "Katherine, eat and stop glaring like a toddler. As for you, Jonathan, stop staring at the female servants and focus on your food." Father's voice boomed.

Father was a man taller than six foot perhaps, with tan skin, keen, green eyes, and blonde hair. His face was always serious, but his eyes soften and the look on his face clearly shows how entrance he is when he's with Mother, even after all this years.

I stared at the mischievous woman seated in front of me.

As if feeling my stare, she looked at me, chewing slowly, as if taunting me for Father scolding me and stuck out her tongue when Father and Jonathan were busy groveling on their plates. I shook my head, a smile slowly creeping on my face.

          "Jonathan, stay and help your Mother with the dishes."

I let out a triumphant whoop! and was about to leave the room when my name was called out. I celebrated too early.

          "Yes, Father?"

          "Meet me in my office in five minutes," he said before leaving. I heard Jonathan and my Mother laughing like pigs in the background. I turned around and playfully glared at the two.

          "I hate you both."

Their laugh echoed around the house and I couldn't help but think that this family's insane.

After knocking on the door three times, I entered my Father's study, with my Father nowhere to be found...kidding, I found him. He was by the window seat, smoking a cigar.

          "Father, you called for me?"

          "I'm sure you saw the Red Sparrow's note and you're planning to join?"

He has eyes everywhere. Nothing escapes him. Nothing.

          "No, Father. You already know I'm just intrigued by them and I haven't read the note. Should I retrieve it?"

Father shook his head before he walked towards his desk, pulled open a drawer, and held out a yellow faded note.

          "I hope you won't get angry at me for telling you this, but I hope you'd understand, " he looked at me before he told me to take a seat.

He cleared his throat before continuing but before he could tell me what's going on, I beat him to it, which he sent me an irritated look before his eyes widened in shock then transitioned into something of indifference.

Father can be such a drama queen sometimes.

          "You're marrying me off to a Red Sparrow, I know," I said.

His head tilted to the side in question, "Uh, yes. I apologize for not informing you of my decision. I knew you have hoped to be a free butterfly. I know it sounds infuriating to hear but—"

          "You wanted what you thought was best for me and this is one of the reasons why you aren't opposed to me when I talk to you about the Red Sparrow." I intervened once again to which he gave me an unappreciative glance.

          "Stop interrupting, dear child! I see where you got that personality from," he smiled.

It's rare to see my Father smile and even though he did one of the stupidest decisions in the world, I knew he meant well.

          "It's unusual of you to not stand and deviate me, Katherine. Why aren't you doing it now...and how did you know of the marriage?" He queried.

I nonchalantly shrugged, "It's unladylike to defy your Father and snoop through his letters when you have nothing else to do and quite disrespectful too."

He snorted at my answer before his eyes widened when I approached him. I hugged him.

          "I love you Father."

He sighed and rubbed my back in a soothing manner.

          "Likewise, dear daughter of mine."

The door then opened and two pair of arms wrapped around us. "I love you too!" Jonathan said before he was shushed by Mother who had tears streaming down her delicate face.

Born in a family where my Father's a drama queen, Mother's a joker, and my brother who's an immature idiot, I couldn't have asked for anything else. 

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