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I hear a knock on the door and I realize who it is. I jump up and open the door.

"BRYANT!" I say and jump on him and he holds me.

"Hey," he laughs.

"God damn I missed you," he says.

He puts me down and straight away I see Jah looking confused.

  "Guys this is Bryant, Bryant this is Coolie, Craig, Trunks, Ski, and Taylor," I say not bothering to introduce Jah cause he already knows him plus I know it would piss Jah off.

I see Taylor look me up and down like I did something wrong like no baby girl I'm just acting like you did but you went as far as to talk to MY BOYFRIEND about wanting dick. Stupid fucking hoe.

"Laugh and pretend like I said your ass is fat or something," he whispers in my ear and I follow his command.

"Oh my god shut up," I laugh.

"It's true," he says making Jah clench his jaw.

Me and him go sit down by Craig, Coolie, and Trunks and we start talking.

"I would watch out, Jah gonna beat your ass at some point and that's a guarantee," Coolie says.

Bryant laughs. "I know, I've seen him fight before at school, boys ruthless," he says.

Just to fuck with Jah Bryant motions for me to sit on his lap. My dumbass does it.

Jah can't say shit about this since Taylor is currently laid across his lap.

"We should go to the other room and catch up," I say to Bryant making sure Jah can hear.

Immediately I see Jah's head turn towards us in my peripheral.

I get off Bryant's lap and he walks with me into the other hotel room.

  "Ok so we bout to make some plans on how to make him jealous," I say then laugh at my evil ass self.

"We all go to the club, if Taylor dances or hangs around him the whole time you do the same to me since apparently he don't see it as cheating then neither are you," Bryant proposes.

"Not a bad idea," I say.

"Well it's already 9:30 so if we're gonna go to the club we need to tell everyone to get ready cause we gotta go now," I say.

  He gets up and goes into his room to change and I go where everyone else is and tell them the plan to go to the club and luckily they all agreed.

   I go into me and Jah's room and Jah walks in while I'm changing.

   He walks over to me and wraps his hands around my waist. He kisses my neck and I roll my eyes and pull away.

  "Stop," I say mad.

  "Why you all mad?" He asks.

  "Wow, you don't even fucking understand. You really don't know why?" I ask.

  "No, Rose you act like I can read your fucking mind," he says annoyed.

  "YOU DON'T HAVE TO RE- you know what," I pick my phone up and walk out slamming the door behind me.

  "Craig," I say knocking on his door.

  He opens the door and pulls me in immediately after seeing a tear fall down my face.

  "What happened?" He asks.

  "He didn't fucking get it. He doesn't know how much this stresses me out. He doesn't think he's doing something wrong. I was mad at him and he asked me why even though I already fucking told him and went off on him and gave him a way to fix the fucking problem but he doesn't listen. It's like he doesn't fucking care, I tell him what's wrong and some how he still doesn't know what wrong. I feel like no ones listening and it's driving me fucking crazy. He doesn't care about me, or what I want, or what I feel, or what I say. It's like he just disregards it all," I say crying.

  Craig hugs me and rubs my back.

"You don't deserve this," he says and kisses my head.

  "Does he not care?" I ask.

  "I-..." Craig just doesn't answer, I think we both know the answer.

  "Do you have clothes I can wear, I'm not going to the club anymore and I don't want to go to my room?" I ask.

  He hands me a pair of sweats and a shirt.

  "Thanks," I say and walk into his bathroom to change.

  I text Bryant tell him not to get dressed for the club because I'm not going and I'm sure he doesn't want to go with a bunch of people he doesn't know. I get dressed and walk out seeing Craig got back into the clothes he was wearing before.

  Craig motions for me to lay down with him and plays a movie. I feel too sick and stressed to watch the movie.

  I think I'm going to have to break up with Jah.

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