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  "X!" Someone yells waking me and Jah up.

  Me and X shoot up as the person opens the door and I cover myself. Ski walks in and immediately has an embarrassed look on his face as he realizes the situation.

  "Shit sorry vro," Ski apologizes.

"What do you want?" Jah asks sleepily.

"Is my wallet here, I can't find it anywhere?" He asks.

  Jah looks around and spots Ski's wallet on the bedside table with an empty condom wrapper underneath the wallet.

  "Did you fuck someone in my bed?" Jah asks while holding Ski's wallet.

  Ski chuckles not responding.

  "Bruh you disgusting, who was it?" Jah asks looking disgusted.

  Ski looks over at me trying to fuck with Jah.

  "THE FUCK?" Jah yells.

  "Haha," Ski playfully says and runs somewhere else.

  Jahseh throws on some boxers and sweats and chases angrily after Ski. I hurriedly put on clothes and walk out into the living room where they're at. I see Jah pinning a laughing Ski down on the floor. Ski can't stop laughing in order to tell Jah it's a joke. Jah starts throwing punches and I immediately step in.

  "JAH STOP!" I yell as he starts to choke Ski. "It was a joke, we didn't fuck," I tell him.

  "THEN WHO DID YOU FUCK?" He asks Ski.

  "Adriana, you know that blonde bitch," Ski says.

  "Oh," Jahseh says getting off Ski. "Y'all play too much," Jah says walking away.

  "Aw did little Jah get his feelings hurt?" I tease.

  "Fuck you mean 'little Jah' I think I've already proved last night that there ain't no such thing as 'little Jah'," Jahseh teases silencing me.

  "Bro you still like 5'6 so sit the fuck down little Jah," Ski says.

  "Vro you 5'7 so before you try to come at me for my height go find a step stool," Jah fires back.

  "I'm thirsty," I randomly announce.

  "You already got some dick and you still thirsty?" Jah asks making me blush.

  "I hate you," I say embarrassed and get a water from the fridge.

  "Nah I'm pretty sure you love me," He says like a smart ass.

  "Stokeley why are you friends with him, you could do so much better," I teasingly say.

  "You're right, now you're my best friend. FUCK YOU JAH!" He jokingly yells as he pretends to walk out the door with me.

  "Nobody loves me," Jahseh says pretending to be sad.

  "Aw that's not true, Satan probably loves you," I say.

  "Aw so you do love me," He says. "I love you too Satan," he says hugging me.

  I push him off of me and fake glare at him.

"Now that I think about it, it wouldn't be so bad if you were my new best friend Stokeley," I say and hug him and hold my fake glare on Jah.

  "Does anybody wanna go get food?" I ask.

  "Me," Ski says.

"I'm down," Jah says.

  I get ready and so does Jah. Jah takes a little longer and I find him looking at himself in the mirror disapprovingly.

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