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   A month passes by and everything goes fine until today.

  "Wait so she just deleted her damn Instagram? Pussy," I ask Ski and roll my eyes.

  "People are still gonna think she's pregnant though," Jah says.

  "Well they'll see in 9 months that the bitch is lying," Ski says.

  All of a sudden we hear a banging on the door making me jump.

  "Police open up!" I hear making my eyes go wide.

   "What the hell?" I ask scared.

  "I don't know," Jah says. "You open the door," he says.

  "Why me?" I ask.

  "Just open the fucking door," he says.

  "I swear to fucking god," I say getting mad and go to the door.

  I open the door and see cops waiting.

  "Is Jahseh Onfroy here?" One of them asks.

  I look behind me for Jah feeling scared as fuck.

  "Yeah," Jah says monotonously and walks up to the cops.

   All of a sudden they grab him putting him in cuffs scaring me.

  "What the fuck? What's happening? You have to tell us what you're arresting him for!" I yell almost in tears.

  "Jahseh Onfroy you are under arrest for robbery and assault," The officer says and continues to pull Jahseh to the police car.

  "No what the hell?" I yell following them out.

  "It's fine, I'll be out soon, take care of her Ski," Jah says when he gets put into the car.

  The door gets shut and they drive away and Ski pulls me into his arms.

  "What the fuck, he can't go!" I cry.

  "He'll be out soon, it's okay," Ski says and rubs my back.

  "How the fuck do you know that?" I ask sobbing.

  "I don't, but he'll find a way," Ski says.

  I just keep crying into Ski's chest and we walk back inside. All of a sudden I feel my food start to come up and I rush to the bathroom. I empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

   "Oh shit, you good?" Ski asks.

  "Does it fucking look like it?" I ask before puking again.

  "Ew," Ski says and walks out of the bathroom gagging.

  He comes back into the bathroom as I brush my teeth.

  "Are you sick?" He asks.

  "Probably, I've felt really fucking nauseous for the past couple days," I admit. "I need something in my stomach," I say.

  "What do you want?" He asks.

  "I want some vanilla ice cream and some potato chips," I say with no emotion not really being able to feel anything at the moment for obvious reasons.

  "You hate both of those things," he says giving me a curious look.

  "I've just been craving them lately," I say shrugging.

   "Ok then," Ski says looking at me with a questioning look.

   I walk away and sit on the couch bouncing my knee up and down anxiously as I think about Jahseh.

  I sit there stressing out and realize that I lost track of time as I see Ski walk in.

  "Here's your food," he says handing me a bag. "Wait," He says snatching a box out of the bag really quickly not giving me enough time to see what it was.

  "Ok then..." I say.

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