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  "GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE JAH," I yell chasing Jahseh around his house.

   All of a sudden I trip over a random bottle on the floor of his bedroom.

  "God damnit Jahseh!" I yell lying flat on the floor. All of a sudden I feel Jahseh straddle my back making sure I can't get up.


   "Oh so I'm fat, well let's see what Trey says when you say that you want to suck his dick," Jahseh threatens.


   "Say you love me," he says.

  "Never!" I scream with what little breath my lungs can get out as there is a man on my back who is constricting my breathing.

  "Oh I guess I'll just have to send it in three! Two!-"

   "Okay I fucking love you just give me my phone!" I yell in defeat.

   "Aweeee I love you too," Jahseh teases as he gets off of my back.

   I roll my eyes and grab my phone from him.

   "Bitch," I say while glaring at him.

  "You love me," he teases.

   "You're lucky I do cause if I didn't I would've beat your ass years ago, now if you don't mind me I'm gonna go change my passcode," I say holding my glare.

   "Shouldn't have made the passcode my birthday," he says.

  "Hey you were the one who suggested your birthday and I was too lazy to think of another one," I say.

   I feel my phone buzz and I look down.

Trey- Umm i dont think this is Rose

  I furrow my eyebrows getting confused. I look at the previous text.

    "JAHSEH ONFROY WHAT THE FUCK? GET YOUR HOE ASS BACK HERE!" I scream seeing that he sent the text saying I want to suck Trey's dick.

   Jahseh appears in the door way in front of me.

  "YOU SENT THE TEXT?" I ask enraged.

     "What?" He asks.

  I show him the texts and I see his eyes go wide. He looks at me with a face of realization and sees my glare. He stands there for a few more seconds and suddenly sprints away knowing I was about to kill him. I sprint after him tackling him to the ground. I slap him continuously on his arm and his back.

   I hear giggling and look up to see Aiden.

   "How you gonna slap me up in front of my brother?" Jahseh asks.

  "Eh, it's time he knows that his brother is a little bitch," I say laughing.

   "Ay language dumbass," Jahseh says laughing.

   "Oh shit I'm sorry," I say laughing back. I get off of him and he gets up.

   "Damn join a fucking football team," he says rubbing his shoulder.

  "Oops," I say shrugging. I get back onto my phone and tell Trey that it was Jahseh who sent that text.

  "I'm tired as hell," I say yawning. I get up and go to the guest room that I'm staying in. I have to stay at Jah's house because my mom is on a business trip in Atlanta and she doesn't think that I am responsible enough to stay home alone for the week that she's gone.

   I flop down on the bed and scroll through Instagram only to see a picture of Jahseh and the biggest hoe from school, Geneva.

   "Jah!" I yell.

   A few seconds later he walks into the room and sits down on the bed.

   "Yeah?" He questions when he sees the mad expression on my face.

   "Do you have something to tell me?" I question.

   "No," he says but his tone makes it sounds like a question.

   "Are you sure you don't want to tell your best friend of twelve years that you got a girlfriend, and more importantly that your girlfriend is Geneva Ayala?" I ask getting angrier by the second.

   "Oh shit," he says while making a face of realization. He averts his eyes from me.

  "How long have you guys been dating?" I ask him knowing that I'm gonna hate the answer no matter what the answer actually is.

   "A month," he mumbles still avoiding my stare.

   "What the hell Jahseh?" I yell.

   "Sorry," he says quietly.

  "Sorry doesn't fucking cut it. I am your best friend, I trust you with all my secrets, YOU KNOW SHIT THAT MY MOTHER DOESN'T EVEN KNOW BUT YOU CAN'T EVEN TELL ME THAT YOU GOT A GIRLFRIEND!" I scream at him enraged at the fact he doesn't trust me.


   "You know what...I'm done," I say clearly disappointed. I shake my head as I walk out of the house. I reach my car and Jahseh still hasn't even moved from the room inside the house... what a great friend I had. Maybe it's just my fault. Maybe I'm not good enough, maybe I'm not worth putting up a fight for. Jahseh clearly doesn't think that I'm worth it and I have stayed by his side for 12 years. I've always seen my self as too annoying to like so maybe this just proves it, maybe I've just been one of those clingy people who thinks that they have friends, what if the only reason that he stayed by my side throughout those 12 years is because he felt bad because he knew that nobody else would like me. He probably just stayed out of pity, not knowing how to tell me that he hated being friends with me.

  I snap out of my thoughts when I reach a red light. I come to a stop and call Trey.

____________Phone Call____________
Trey- Hey baby.

Rose- Hey, um can I stay over?

Trey-  Yeah why? Do I gotta beat someone's ass?

Rose- No, me and Jahseh just got into a fight so I don't feel like staying there anymore.

Trey- You was staying at his house?

Rose- Yeah, my mom made me stay there cause she's in Atlanta

Trey- Oh I was thinking something else for minute. Imma go clean some shit up so my place isn't a mess when you get here. Bye babe.

Rose- Bye.
_________End of phone call__________

Did he think I was cheating on him? Everybody just trust me so much, not.

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