"Yoongi?" I ask and turn around to see him staring at me. "Do you need something?" I ask and he looks down and mumbles something. I ask him to repeat it louder and he sighs shakily. "Will you stay here instead of going to perform?" He asked me. I felt honored that he wanted me to stay with him but... the concert..

    "Seokjin And Joonie will get angry if I stay here with you.." I say quietly. "I don't want them to be mad at me."

    "Just tell them that one of my stitches came off or that I'm hurt or something." He said.

    "Why do you want me to stay anyways?" I asked curiously. I did really want to know why he wanted me to stay here with him. He's never asked me something like this, and we have never been alone in the house before.

    "I- I just want.." He gulped and then continued slowly. "I want you here with me." He started playing with his ear and looked down at his other hand. I swear he's so cute. I can't leave him here all alone. Especially if he's specifically asking me to stay.

    "Fine I'll ask Namjoon if I can stay." I give in. "But you have to entertain me or else I'm not helping you with anything anymore."

   "Got it." Yoongi smiles and laid back onto his bed as I walked out of the room.


    "Namjoonie?" I tap his shoulder and he whips around and looks down at me.

    "Yes?" He asks confused.

    "Can I stay here with Yoongi? He's not feeling to great. One of his stitches came loose and he wants me to take him back to the doctor." I lie to him and put up my hands to beg him to let me stay. Please say yes Joon, I will love you for forever. You don't even know.

    "Alright fine." Namjoon agreed to let me stay. "But take good care of that grandpa, tell him to stay resting and no more getting up in the middle of the night to find snacks!" He yelled as he walked out of the door.

    Now the only person left in the house is me, Yoongi, and Kookie. He was almost ready to leave though, the only reason he's still here is because he left his phone and he came back to get it. As soon as he ran out the door, I made my way back to Yoongi.

    "They're letting you stay?" He asked me and I nodded my head.

    "Good." Yoongi said and he scooted over to the other side of his bed. "Come here." He patted the spot next to him. Is he asking me to lay with him? In his bed? Alone in the house? I don't know whether I should feel scared or excited for this fact, but I still make my way over and get under the blanket with him.

    "Why did you want me to lay with you?" I ask while facing him.

    "I want to cuddle." He said as he pulled me into his chest and hugged me under the blanket. I keep my hands buried into his chest and grab his shirt and hide my face with it.

    "Y-Yoongi?" I stutter. "W-why do you want to c-cuddle?" I ask him with my shaking voice. Did he seriously just tell me to get in his bed to cuddle? Am I dreaming? What's up with him today?

    "I want to cuddle you because you're soft and cute." Yoongi said with no regret filling his voice. "Also because I'm lonely in this bed."

    "O-Okay.." I say. "Do you want to sleep?" I ask him.

     "No." He says

    "Then what do you want to do?"

    "I wanna talk to you." He said as he started to run his fingers through my hair. I could feel the shock in my body as he cuddled me and I was so red from being so touchy with him right now. I cant believe this is happening honestly.

    "About what?" I ask him and my voice is starting to calm down from being so embarrassed and shy. I start to ease up with him.

    "Anything. Tell me about the real you." Yoongi said and he put his chin on top of my head. "I want to know more about you." He told me and it made my heart skip a beat. He wants to know about me? Oh my lord, this is the moment I've been waiting for. I've always wanted to have a deep conversation with Yoongi, I've just never knew how to start it or even come about it.

    It's time to finally open up to Yoongi.

    "Well.. I love to sing and dance. I sometimes think I should improve more on it because people in the video comments tell me I should.." I say and I start to feel tears fill my eyes. "They make me feel like I'm not good enough.. They make me want to dance better, to sing more smoothly.. They make me wish I looked better and I hate that I can't change myself..... I- I hate mys-"

    "Don't you ever say that you hate yourself." Yoongi cut me off with an angry voice and held me tighter. "You have an amazing voice and your dancing is so smooth and something beyond anything that I could ever do. You are the most beautiful human that I have ever seen and I've seen plenty of people, but you stick out amongst any of them. So don't you dare hate yourself because if you hate yourself, then I might as well not matter either."

    I felt my tears pouring down even harder after Yoongi said this to me. I had never felt such a relief to letting my feelings out to someone and I felt so happy that he said the things he said about me. He makes me feel worthy of having a place on this pitiful world. He makes me love myself for who I am.

    "T-thanks Yoongi.." I say and close my eyes and snuggle up to him more.

    "No problem baby." I hear Yoongi mumble before we both fall asleep in each other's arms.


sorry I haven't published anything lately but I was busy.

Also thanks for so many reads 💜😫✊

Fun fact- 21 is my favorite number

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