Chapter 3 The Day Of Babies

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"Why are all the animals having babies on one single day?! It's making for so many more predators and so much more work!" Anne whined while she was feeding a lamb with a bottle, having its mother fall victim to a cold night.
"There, there little one. You'll be all right."
The little lamb pulled away from the bottle and pushed against Anne's knee.
"Aww. You tired little one?"
The lamb decided it would follow her around while she did her chores.
"Oh my! It seems we have two more babies! Aww! Where's your mothers little ones?"
Two baby lambs came over and greeted the little baby lamb that was following Anne. The mothers of the babies were not far behind. They nudged the babies back over to the greener part of the pasture leaving Anne and the little baby she decided to call Jolie. As a French name for beautiful.
"Come here quick Jolie!"
The little lamb obeyed, clomping on over with it's small quivery body. Jolie nuzzled Anne and licked her hand.
"Good job Jolie! Good job!"
Anne trained the little lamb as much as she could while she finished chores at the lambs pasture and on to the pigs, bunnies and horses and donkeys.
At the horses pasture, Anne fed them and let them out, but making sure they had a warm blanket and food and water out there. She let all but one out; Starlight. Her favourite horse.
"Hey girl! Can I ride you around the mountains? Maybe go to town for groceries?"
The reply was a happy nicker from Starlight. Anne grabbed a saddle and bridal to put on Starlight.
"My beautiful silver specked horse. She deserves the best softest leather for the softest, gentlest horse ever."
Anne whispered kind things to her horse as she always does when she saddles her up. Anne led Starlight out and got up on the horses back.
"Oh! And Jolie! Return to pen!" Anne commanded in a clear loud voice like they had been practicing. Jolie obeyed and went to her pasture.
Anne clicked her tongue and moved Starlight along. They rode fast to the farmhouse and Anne practically leaped from the saddle and ran inside.
"Mother? Are you home?" Anne called.
There was no answer.
Anne ran outside.
Again. No answer.
But, then she heard a weak babies cry.
"Mother!" Anne ran to the ditch beside the house and found her mother and the baby fallen in the ditch.
"Mother! Oh my! Here let me help!"
She helped her mother out of the ditch and the poor baby was injured. So was Anne's mother but she didn't want anything.
"Here. Take Isabella and tend to her. I'll be there in a moment."
Anne did as she was told and took the child inside and cleaned the wounds.
The door opened and her mother came back in with bandages and antiseptic.
"Mother. Might I ask why you were in the ditch?"
"I fell. Why else would I be I be in the ditch? Do you mean how I fell?"
Anne nodded.
"Then be more specific child!"
"I'm sorry Mom."
"I fell when I was trying to fix that damn roof. The wind and water and the storm just... ugh. The roof will leak water and that will cause mold and then I get to deal with that and then-"
"Mom. Everything will be okay. I can go up on the roof. There's no reason you should have to do this yourself!"
"I wish everything will be alright. Ever since the incident happened I..."
Her voice trailed off and she began sobbing.
"I don't what will happen to us!!"
She cried and Anne held tight to her mother fearing the same thing as her mother.

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