"I cheated on your mom and now the person is pregnant," he admitted, "it sounds so bad but I promise it wasn't anything that I planned on doing intentionally."

Gohan was taken back by the words that came out of his father's mouth. His dad look genuinely sorry for his actions but that didn't stop him from being upset with his father for cheating on his mother.

"Dad you cheated on mom.... with who?," Gohan asked angrily.

Goku took a big gulp and looked at his son who was now angrily staring at him. "Vegeta," he responded.

"Vegeta?! Dad you gotta be kidding me?!"

"No. I'm not. Look Gohan, I love your mom with all my heart but I haven't felt the way I used to about her in a long time. I wish things didn't happen the way they did. I really do love Vegeta too. From the moment I met him I did. I ignored it for years for our family's sake. I didn't want to mess up our family and I guess it got out of control," Goku explained.

"Dad.... I must say that I am disappointed in you for cheating on mom. But on the other hand if you knew you loved a person from the start why didn't you go for it? And where's Vegeta?"

"He doesn't want to see me. He's embarrassed and ashamed about it. I don't even know if he's going to let us raise the baby together. But I didn't want to break your mom's heart..... Well I guess I ended up doing that anyways."

Gohan felt terrible for his father the more he had talked to him. His mind started to wonder about his mom and how she would react. He had this feeling that his mom was going to do something dramatic so he knew he had to watch out for his unsuspecting father. Chi Chi was smart but she couldn't outsmart her son.

"Does mom know?"

"Not that I know of. Her and Bulma is still in the dark about this."

"Do not tell mom under any circumstances yet. Let's go find Vegeta. I know he's around here somewhere."

"Okay," Goku responded quietly.


Vegeta went to the woods where he was hiding his 7 dragon balls. He had been collecting them since he had a feeling something strange was going on with himself. He knew he would get strange looks and his fully saiyan child would too due to the fact that his father was none other than Son Goku.

"I hope Kakarot will forgive me for what I'm about to do, I have to do this," he sighed. He sat the dragon balls down and stood back. All of them started to glow and said, "Oh great dragon please grant me my wish."

The sky erupted into a million stars forming Shenron. The green dragon was now looking at Vegeta who was starting back at him.

"Today must be your lucky day. I will only grant you three wishes."

Goku saw the dragon and he had a feeling that it was Vegeta as the person who found them. His stomach felt like a bottomless pit as he approached the woods. Gohan watched the color of his father's face go very vibrant to very pale within a matter of seconds.

"My first wish is for my family on earth to not mad at me when I make the following decisions. My second wish is for Planet Vegeta to be restored in its full glory without the ruling of Freeza, and lastly I would like to be transported to Planet Vegeta, Vegeta stated.

"Your wishes have been granted," Shenron voice boomed.

Goku stood like a deer in headlights after seeing Vegeta and Shenron. "Vegeta, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry Kakarot," he said as he vanished.


Gohan watched his father helplessly as he saw him chase after the love of his life. He never saw his father like this about anyone. Gohan saw his father drop to his knees and cry.

"Come on dad. Let's get you home," Gohan said.

"Let's just teleport," Goku replied.

Goku instant transmission to his home with Chi Chi. The lights were dim and Goku had a feeling that this night was far from over. Gohan knew something was up by the tension that was in the air. When they walked in Chi Chi was sitting in the chair with a wine bottle in her hand.

"Well would you look at what the dog brought in," Chi Chi hissed.

"Mom, you've been drinking," Gohan stated.

"And your dad is a fucking whore. So what," she spat.

"Chi Chi, I dont have time for this," Goku growled.

"Is it because Vegeta doesn't want you or want to let you see that little baby of yours," she laughed, "you wanted to lay down with the devil and look at you, you got burned baby."


"Gohan this has nothing to do with you," she yelled.

"This has everything to with me. You two are my parents and I will not stand for this," he responded.

"Gohan, just go home son," Goku said.

"No dad. You don't know mom like I know her," he explained.

"And what does that suppose to mean Gohan? That I might kill him?"

"There's no telling mother. Goten is staying with me and Videl."

"You're not taking my baby boy," she shouted.

"He's not safe here with you. There's no telling what you'll do to dad."

"I'll be fine Gohan. Take your brother and I'll deal with your mother, Goku said as he gave him a reassuring smile.

"You'll deal with me alright," Chi Chi uttered.

"Okay dad. Promise me you'll call if something happens."

"You have my word Gohan."

After Gohan and Goten left, Chi Chi turned her attention to Goku. She was bitter and angry about what happened.

"Why did you do this to me Goku?! After everything I gave you!!"

"Chi Chi, I didnt go our seeking to cheat on you. I love you. It's just so happens that I love him too," Goku admitted.

"You What?! You're willing to break this family apart for someone you're infatuated with?"

"It was already broken to begin with. Chi Chi, I know what you've been doing for years behind my back when I'm gone training. At least I had the decency to be faithful for years," he spat.

"You're going to regret you said that," she growled.

"Go to hell," Goku growled, "You can have the bed. I don't want it."

Chi Chi was shocked at Goku's choice of words. He'd never cursed at her no matter how upset she made him. She rolled her eyes at him and walked towards their room. "Oh it'll be a shame if something happened to him."

Goku was lying on the sofa feeling like a shell of himself. He felt empty. The love of his life was now gone from his world and also his growing child. He felt broken beyond repair and all he could do is sit there and cry. All Goku wanted was to be in the arms of Vegeta and watch his baby grow.

Author's Note
- I wonder what Chi Chi has up her sleeve. The drama is starting to unfold right before our eyes.

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