They were wrong. It was just a shame they couldn't see it.

Stella flew at him, yanking him out of his thoughts. Having no intentions of hurting her, he sidestepped. Zipping past him, she swung around a tree and came back at him. Bolts of light shot from her hands. Chase dove out the way, narrowly missing them. They collided into a tree behind him and left a scorch mark in the wood.

As he got back to his feet. She delivered a kick to his chest. He stumbled backward, an incredulous look on his face.

She came at him again, but he was ready. A flying fist aimed for his face had been intercepted by his hand. He grabbed her arm with both hands, twisted, and launched her into the air.

With a fleeting yell, she disappeared into the leaves above.

That would buy him a few seconds. He needed to find the others and get back to the vans.

He surveyed the battlefield for a moment. Emily had just blasted a hole into a tree with one scream, narrowly missing a few Atlas agents with her sonic rings. Kai wasn't too far away. She was using the melting snow to form jagged projectiles to shoot back at the Jaegars. Elsewhere, Victor teleported from soldier to soldier. His red blade cut found the gaps in their armor. Soon, the ground started to resemble the color of his katana. Danai was still in the air blasting bouts of wind from her hands.

They were holding their own.

For now.

Chase directed his attention back to Stella. His eyes widened as he darted out the way of multiple shards of light. She flew after him and wrapped her arms around his waist to drag him to the ground.

He easily pried her arms from his body and pushed her backward. Taking a few cautious steps backward, he conjured up another shield from the device on his wrist. "I'm not fighting you, Stella."

"That only makes it easier for me."

He rolled his eyes.

Just as she was about to come at him again, she stopped herself. A look of pure awe exploded onto her face as she looked at something past him. He followed her vision and turned around.

Orion had emerged from a thicket of pine trees. A blank expression resided on his perfectly chiseled features as he dragged someone behind him. As he got closer, Chase realized that someone was Andre.

A large cut decorated his forehead. The metallic shine had vanished from his skin, which had gone back to its normal dark brown shade.

His eyes weren't open.

Chase's stomach twisted into a tight knot.

Orion slid Andre across the snow like a hockey puck. He eventually landed at Chase's feet. The blond immediately knelt beside his friend and hovered his ear above his lips. An overwhelming sense of dread filled his insides as he desperately hoped to feel Andre's faint breaths against his skin.

Fortunately, he was still breathing. But he was hurt. Bad.

He slowly lifted his head and sneered at Orion.

The golden-eyed Prime stared back at him with a blank face. A smile edged onto his lips.

Chase's hands balled into fists at his side. His lip curled into a snarl as he retrieved his blade from the ground. Activating his holo-shield, he pointed his sword at the Prime.

"You're going to pay for that."

Orion simply tilted his head, brows furrowed ever so slightly.

Before Chase could charge at him, he took to the sky. But he didn't attack him. He went straight past him with a gust of wind that nearly took him off his feet.

False Gods | The Prime Archives #3 ✓Where stories live. Discover now