Chapter 8

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(A/N: It was a tie so I just used a google generator and yeet here we go-)

"Do we want her to fall in this trap they've set up?" Lucas was wanting to go find Ember instead of her coming here, afraid that it would make matters worse if she were to find them.

Zero stopped fiddling with the bark. "No, but trust me." His icy eyes looked up at Lucas and Nature. "Spio plans everything."

"We won't know either unless we try." Lucas argued.

"DUDES." Nature threw a large rock into the center of them, "I HAVE AN IDEA."

"No, Nature." Both said.

Nature had another rock and was drawing on the larger, creating white markings. Her two friends watched and saw she made a tic tack toe board. "I CALL X."

Lucas had an unimpressed look. "Wow."

"I call O." Zero grabbed the small rock from Nature.

"NO," Nature slapped it out of his paws and went back to writing. "THIS," she drew an O. "IS SPIO. AND THIS," she set the stone down and pointed to her paw, "IS US." After catching them up she whacked the stone with her paw. It ended up hitting some Dark type in the head.

"That made no sense." Zero raised his red eyebrows chuckling.

Lucas threw the other rock off. "This isn't a time for Jokes. Seriously, what are we going to do."

"I guess we'll go find Ember. You're right. If we wait and help her out, we'll be out numbered."

"Alright, how do we sneak out of here?"

"We're in a tree right now, Lucas. All we need to do is jump until we get out of range of sight and then find Ember." Zero sat up. "It won't take long but... let's get into it."

Lucas nodded, though he paused for a moment. His sensors somewhat pricked, you could tell he was sensing for Ember's aura. "She's not far from here, and she's pretty pissed. We better hurry."

Once Lucas turned to Zero, Zero was bluntly pointing to Nature, who had already exited.

He sighed. "Let's get after her then." He looked around, making sure no one was watching them, and leaked through the trees with Zero close behind.

Lucas landed on the ground beside Nature. Zero landed on his head.

"JESUS. WHAT TOOK YA'LL SO LONG?" Nature got back up to her feet.

"Uh- Zero, do you really want to sit on my head the whole way?" Lucas lowered his ears so he didn't stab him.

Zero yawned, cheeky. "Maybe, actually. My paws are aching."

Nature blinked. "WHAT THE FUCK? I DONT GET SPECIAL TREATMENT?" She hopped onto Lucas's back, her arms hugging his neck and legs hugging his waist. Lucas exhaled and Nature smiled at him innocently.

Their 'pony' accepted it and he walked out of the exit, glancing behind him to make sure no one was watching. Everyone was to busy partying to watch.

"Onward." Zero ordered as he patted Lucas's head.

Lucas looked away from the camp, getting an uneasy feeling. He sensed to see if anyone was watching, but didn't find anything.  He shrugged it off, knowing his sense didn't lie, and walked out of the camp carrying his two buds with him.

They were a bit farther away from the camp now, all walking side by side. Zero was still there, saying 'he wanted to deal with any people who try and stop him', but they both knew he wanted to see Ember.

"How much longer?" Zero asked. He was a little behind Lucas and Nature.

Lucas looked up, thinking. "Meh, not long. We'll probably run into her any moment."

"You know what I bet?" Nature grinned as she walked beside Lucas. "I bet when Ember finds us, she's going to totally deny she missed us even though she obviously did."

"Knowing Ember," Zero mumbled from behind, "she probably missed Lucas. You on the other hand..."

"Shut the fuck up, shortie."


Lucas stopped. "Wait a second, guys." And so the trio stopped.

After a bit of silence, Lucas opened his mouth.


He stopped as he heard rustles of struggling on the ground, followed by a thunk sound.

Nature and Lucas turned around, seeing Zero pinned down by Ember.

Ember stared down at him. Her yellow eyes were emotionless, but still managed to be threatening. "You." She grumbled. "What are you doing with them."

Zero smiled and used his arms to hug her. "AwWwWwW ITS GOOD TO SEE YOU TOO. JESUS ITS BEEN SO LONGGGG."

He was thrown into the tree next to them. "Don't fucking touch me." Ember's glare turned to Lucas and Nature. "Explain."

"We were captured and enslaved by the scientist," Lucas started.

"Then, we broke out with swag and a sledge hammer." Nature toned in.

"But before that we met the demon side of Nature or some shit."

"So we were free, but then we were captured by your old- clan thing."

"We were paralyzed, but it didn't affect Nature for some reason and we looked for help."

"I found Zero, and forced him to help us."

"He told us some stuff."

"We worked together."

"And now we found you." Lucas and Nature said the last line in sync. The two smirked lightly and high fived.

Ember watched them in silence. "...relatable." She shrugged.

Zero slid in. "So you can thank me for helping you all find eachother and not get killed." He nudged Ember, who kicked him in the dick.

"Three feet bubble. Only when I need to hear you, though. Otherwise, it's twenty feet." She wore a slight snarl.


Lucas ignored the twos fighting. "So- what now?"

Ember turned away from Zero, salty. "We go back to the gang. Get you two back in there."

"AWWWW SHE DID MISS USSSS." Nature chirped.

Ember rolled her eyes. "Anyway, Zero. You get back to your base."

Zero looked at her for a little to long. But eventually he sadly smiled and nodded, stepping back. "Well- Lucas, Nature- I've only known you for like a day. But I'll miss you."

"Eh, I'm sure we'll see your around?" Lucas waved him a goodbye. Zero was halfway into the bushes before he stopped in his tracks.

"Yeah." He said, slowly tracking his eyes to Ember. They carried a sad, but mischievous look in them. "Yeah. I think you will."

And then he was gone.

(Sorry for crappy writing. I wrote this while I was just dead but like whatever enjoy)

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