Chapter 3

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A still silence like a stranded city buzzed through the group, Ember's comment had not helped.

"To soon?" Ember asked.

Kiri lowered his fluffy ears and flicked his tail in worry. Myū patted her friends shoulder.

Blossom's gaze was over flowing with fear. "is the risk worth it?"

"Well, he has a chance in dying in both. Except the one where we don't do anything assures he dies." Ember pointed out. That comment didn't help either.

"I'm not going to die." Star replied in his fading voice.

The others nodded, but millions of words went unsaid.

"Is Kiri going to do it?" Shad asked, turning his head toward Kiri and tipped it.

Kiri looked back at the Pokémon behind him.
Jewel and Kim were exchanging worried glances, but not looking at Kiri. Cookie was pacing back and forth, as if stressed. Kiri let out a exhale and shook himself before nodding.

Myū grinned and floated backwards. "Alrite everyone. Give em some space."

They did as she told him to, tensions building up.

Kiri and Star locked gazes for a moment, as if exchanging words through thought. Out of nowhere Kiri twitched and turned around with this 'I change my mind' look.

Myū frowned. "Kiri..." she turned towards the others. "OKAY. WE NEED TO GIVE HIM SOME ENCOURAGEMENT."

Ember slowly raised her paw, preparing a sarcastic comment.

"ANYONE BUT YOU." Myū stated. When no one replied, she facepalmed. "DANG IT."

"So I'm the only one that can give some encouragement?" Ember smiled innocently.

"JUST- JUST GET IT OVER WITH." Myū sat down in the air.

"Sounds like a deal." Ember walked beside Kiri and put her paw on his shoulder.

"Kiri, is it?" Ember asked. When the Pokémon nodded, she continued.

"Nice name. So, I'll tell you how it goes. You save his life, and everyone here views you as a hero and gives you thanks over millions of times. You'll live with the fact that you saved someone's life and helped out many people."

Kiri pricked his ears at this, a hopeful expression flashing on his face.

"Of course if you fail, everyone here will be disappointed and some may never want to talk to you again."

Kiri frowned.

"Ember!" Kim hissed. "Was that really necessary?!"

"The kid needs to know the truth." Ember shrugged.

When everyone glared at her, Ember just flicked her ear, keeping her yellow gaze emotionless.

I'm not helping. Ember thought before sitting up. I'm going to walk off now.

So without a word, the Torracat walked into the woods, leaving the others to deal with the whole Star issue.

I wonder how Cross is doing with finding Lucas. Ember let her thoughts run as she walked, looking at her paws, ignoring the strong winds that were rattling the trees back and forth.

This place is supposed to be where we can all go back to the Sky Forest. But maybe not all of us. A sturdy tree caught her eye. She didn't want to get to far, so she skillfully climbed up it, sitting down on a thick branch.

Wonder who the other two Pokémon that Mew was talking about are. If they join the gang, I swear. I don't think I can deal with many more Pokémon. It felt weird admitting she was part of the gang.

The Blaze of a Ember {Book Three}Where stories live. Discover now