He Found Out..

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"What is this?"

He had my pregnancy test and my ultrasound in his hand

"I was scared to tell you."


"I didn't know how you would react."

"I am livid! I am pissed because I had to find out. But if you would have told Me I would have been happier."

"I want you to be happier."

So I'll go. I'll go. I'll gooo. Gooo.

(Pun intended. Happier by marshmallow)

"Is it mines?"

"Of course."

"And how do I know your not lying about that." 

"Because you are the only man ive ever had interactions with."

"I better have been."

I started to cry and he hugged me

"Next time tell me."

"There's no next time."

"I know there will be. I know."

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