Chapter 25: Sugar Rush

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Twenty Minutes Later

Ruki's P.O.V

Lucy was mad at me but I kind of liked it. To see her emotions other than her obedience to me seemed better nowadays. I guess she really wasn't much of a lost puppy. Lucy walked back into the living room and looked at me before she started to walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?"



"You told me not to make breakfast so I am going out for breakfast." 


"Yes, Master?"

"Choose a restaurant"


"Choose where you want to eat breakfast."

"What are you in the mood for?" So she was basing it off of what I wanted? Why else did she think I told her to choose a place to go to? Not for my convenience but hers'.  

"Soup" She nodded.

"Okay" She led the way. As soon as we got to the restaurant and grabbed our table outside Lucy stared at the menu. I looked at the menu to see that it had been in French. Why would she choose here if she didn't understand it? The waiter came up to us. Lucy ordered in french causing my eyes to widen. What did she just order?

"And for you sir?"

"I will have what she is having." He nodded causing Lucy to arch a brow.

"I thought you wanted soup."

"I do but I can order that later." She nodded. 

"Do you want me to order it for you, master?" That cocky smirk she had now, she knew, didn't she?

"How did you-"

"It is my job to learn about you. Even if you are an emotionless prince." I arched a brow.

"Emotionless prince?" Her eyes widened while her cheeks began to color with red. 

"W...w...what soup do you want for me to order?" So that was how she thought about me? For someone who seemed to stare at me like a lost puppy, she somehow saw me like a prince? Maybe I should punish her, just like how she did to me. I smirked at her.

"You look at me like a prince?" Her cheeks darkened. 

"How can you appear so emotionless with that smirk."

"I am the emotionless prince after all." I guess I had fun. "How did you learn to speak French?" The waiter sat two teacups down and poured our tea before leaving. Lucy took a sip of it before she spoke.

"It runs in my family." It made sense. Her last name was Heartfilia which was French. 

"Where are you from?"

"Somewhere far from here. What about you?" She seemed distant now that I wanted to know about her home. With Natsu and Gray, even the red-headed woman and the blue cat, she seemed happy so why was thinking about it now, bad?

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